d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 1, 2000 

On the way to Distinguished
 - with your help
    District 3 Toastmasters and Leaders,

    We are all well on our way to becoming Distinguished. Toastmasters International has "estimated" that as a District we can qualify for the Select Distinguished award by June 30th.

    When individual Toastmasters work towards their personal goals and help the club become a Distinguished Club, they also help the District become a Distinguished District. By Working Together; We can Make It Happen. Select Distinguished status can become a reality.

    As a District, to make Distinguished status, there are two areas that need special attention: CTMs and New Members. These areas are so important that 4 out of the 10 goals in the Distinguished Club Plan are dedicated to this effort. Why are these areas so important?

    CTMs: The basic C&L manual is the cornerstone of Toastmasters. A tool that is used to help you become confident and gain skills in public speaking. The reason that many of us joined is directly related to completing the CTM award.

    New Members: Membership is important because as basic human beings many things are competing for our time. Attrition of our membership is our common enemy and to justify the time spent at Toastmasters, our meetings need to have members, have value and be fun. To have fun, effective meetings, Toastmasters International suggests that a minimum of 20 members is needed to give everyone basic opportunities to practice and grow during a meeting. Plus, the more members you have, the more attractive your club becomes because your guests see that you are having fun, are learning and are well organized.

    Distinguished Clubs - The Membership Requirement. On June 30, 2000 your club must have a minimum of 20 members or a net growth of 5 new members to become distinguished. By attaining your Distinguished Club Plan membership goals, you will meet your requirement - also helping the District meet its goal.

    You can make the difference. By becoming a Distinguished Club, you can help District 3 become a Select Distinguished district. This will be the third year in a row that District 3 will earn distinguished status. When we reach this goal, the District will receive special recognition for continuing the challenge and Making It Happen. As your District Governor, I am asking for your help.

    Please bring in new Members, Members, Members and turn in your paperwork for CTMs. You and your clubs will be recognized for your contributions to our success.

    Kelli McDoulett, DTM
    D3 Governor
    "Working Together; Making It Happen"

"Working Together; -
Making It Happen"

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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