d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 1, 2000 

Frequently Asked Conference Questions
    Q: I’ve never attended a conference, why would I want to? 

    A: In addition to all of the above reasons, you get to participate in the First Timers program.  This program focuses on making the First Timer feel very welcome, the more people you meet the better your chances of winning the First Timers Award.

    Q:  But I live outside of the valley, where would I stay if I drove up/down Friday night? 

    A: We have obtained a special room rate of $59 at the Grace Inn at Ahwatukee, 1-800-843-6010.  Additionally the following organization will work with you to get the best hotel rates available; Phoenix Scottsdale Hotel Reservations 1-800-728-3227.

    Q:  Can I participate in the Parade? 

    A:  Oh by all means, admission is your club banner.  Proudly carry your banner with the other clubs in your area and division and be eligible to win a $35.00 Success Leadership Module from Toastmasters International.

    Q:  Who will be there for me to network with? 

    A:  Toastmasters from the entire state of Arizona and beyond attend these conferences.  Meet Toastmasters from American Express, Motorola, Intel, American On-Line, Burr-Brown, Raytheon, Del Webb, America West, Mayo Clinic, the Cities of Phoenix and Tempe, Tucson TV and many other organizations, as well as those Toastmaster club members from our Universities and Communities.

    Q:  Doesn’t It Cost Too Much? 

    A:  The $30.00 registration fee is not excessive at all when you take into consideration all of the expenses incurred to hold the conference.  Things like renting the facility, procuring the awards, printing, postage and having sound equipment.  The $65.00 fee, which includes: registration, lunch and dinner is very reasonable. 

Fall 1999 Conference First Timer Winners
First Place Winner: Barbara Brickner, Speakwell Honeywell

2nd Place Winner: Vicky Canby, Walkie Talkies

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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