I always dislike using a manuscript in making a speech. It's like courting a girl through a picket fence. Everything that is said can be heard, but there isn't much contact. - Eugene Smith

Speaking Tip:

Don't apologize when you are speaking before a group, even if you feel you are on shaky ground.

Do everything you can to be sure you are prepared enough so you feel you have no need to apologize.

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 15, 2000 

iBrief for Az Toastmasters 
    Three more reasons to be at the Spring 2000 Conference Saturday, May 20:

    Find out which popular TV character exhibits a leadership style similar to yours. International Director John Smelzer, DTM, shows you how to determine your style in "The Lead in Leadership."

    Past District Governor, Geoff Wilson, DTM, a Toastmaster authority on "mentoring" reveals what mentoring can mean to you, your club, and the district.

    And learn how to complete tasks with minimum effort, by putting your "stuff" into simple-to-use tracking systems with Jean Lasee of "Agents Against Chaos" in her educational "Making Work Flow" session.

    Conference line up: Bring Your Club Banner Contest. Keynoter Joel Weldon. C&L Recipient, Kathleen Mitchell, New Times feature. District Nominating Letter to Presidents, Educational VPs. Nominated Candidates for District Office. Conference FAQs. Speech Contestants.

    At the Fall 99 Conference, long-time Toastmaster Jim Sahler, DTM, Aztec, video taped the Humorous and Tall Tales Speech Contests with a new digital camera. Copies of the videos are available from Jim. jimsahler@aol.com Video of the winning Humorous speech by Harry Huffman and Sharon Beth Falk's winning Tall Tale may be available for download.

    Marian Sjostrom, ATM-S/CL, Toastmasters of Sedona, seeks feedback on how your club handles personal membership information given to guests. Read Marian's request and send her a note.

    Lt. Governor Marketing Virginia Richtar, ATM-S, wants you to be a winner in Toastmasters International and District 3's Beat The Clock membership campaign. Win a $15 certificate, and more with 5 new members.

    There is something about learning to communicate well that changes how you see and feel about yourself, according to John H. Schaeffer, author of Impact, A Guide To Public Speaking.

    Would you like to have a "Kelli Girl" work for you for one full day? Or, better yet, how would you like for the District Governor to work one full day for you? DG Kelli McDoulett, DTM, says you can have them both by bringing in the most number of new members (minimium 5) between May 1 and June 30, 2000.

    What makes a good club officer? Their first three steps speak volumes about the quality of their service to their club and the value they get out of handing a leadership role.

    Deadline for early TLI registration is May 31st.

    Opportunities still open: To enjoy the Benefits of being a TLI Facilitator, this is Nancy's last call. To be a member of a Distinguished Club, which, according to Kelli, will help us become a Distinguished District.

    Have you wondered how Estrella's "Picnic In The Park" faired? "Well," says June Van Valkenburg, "we didn't get a recruit but we had a good time by turning it into a celebration of current members.  Some of the more "seasoned" members hadn't had a chance to socialize with some of the newer members, so it turned out to be a great bonding experience for our club!  We realized that March might be a better time to have this just to make sure it's cooler and we're planning on doing this as a regular thing since it's a win-win situation whether we get new members or not.  Thanks for your interest!

    An Open House was held May 8 by the Scottsdalians. President-elect Lisa Platt, CTM, said the club mailed flyers and press releases. Articles appeared in the Phoenix Business Journal and the Scottsdale Tribune. One guest joined that night and two others indicated they would become members. Click here for an Open House "How to" kit.

    If you accessed the "District Operations Manual" following the May 1 issue and were not able to download the pdf file, try again. A bug which affected some I.E. Explorer visitors has been fixed.

    What's new on the District web page? Web enthusiast Rene Hicks has prepared a brief bullet list of Club Officer positions and duties for Toastmasters who were elected to (or soon will be) lead their club the next six months.

    When you remove your nametag, pens, pencils and other distractions from your pockets and clothing before you go to the lectern; do you also remove any bad habits? If not, they may be undermining your professionalism and your presentation.

    Lessons  from Noah's Ark:
        One. Don't miss the boat.
        Two. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
        Three. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
        Four. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old someone may ask you to do something really big.
        Five. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
        Six. Build your future on high ground.
        Seven. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
        Eight. Speed isn't everything. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
        Nine. When you're stressed, float awhile.
        Ten. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.
        Eleven. No matter the storm, there's a rainbow waiting.

    - Glenn | Next issue: June 1, 2000

The Shriners Auditorium is located between Van Buren and McDowell Roads on the west side of 40th Street. It sits approx. 100 yards off the road and is not readily visable from 40th Street.

Leadership Tip:

The well balanced, intelligent speaker is the natural leader in any group of which he or she is a part.
Dr. Ralph Smedley

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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