d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 15, 2000 

Nominations Letter
    Dear Club President and Vice President Education:

    This letter is your official notification of the upcoming business meeting and the District 3 Spring Conference.

    On March 25, 2000 the District 3 Nominating Committee, chaired by Immediate Past District Governor Jodie Kay Petra, interviewed and nominated the below candidates for your consideration as your 2000 – 2001 District Leaders. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor.

    Office Nominee
    District Governor PJ Glauz, DTM
    LT Governor Education & Training Virginia Richtar, ATM-G/AL
    LT Governor Marketing Mike Herskovitz, DTM
    Cholla Division Governor Don Griffith, ATM
    Gila Division Governor Joseph Snyder, ATM
    Paiute Division Governor Richard Chard, CTM
    Sonoran Division Governor George Self, ATM-S/CL
    Yavapai Division Governor Ellis Rackoff, ATM-S/CL

    You are a part of the Toastmasters District Council and District 3 needs you ! ! ! On Saturday, 20 May at the Spring Conference in Phoenix, you will be voting in your new District leaders and approving District business. Toastmasters around Arizona are counting on you. Come represent your club and Toastmasters of District 3.

    Come be a part of the fun and energize yourselves for the last stretch of the Toastmasters year – preparing yourselves for Distinguished status. Come share with friends, participate in educational activities, support District 3’s World Class speakers, and receive your hard earned awards. Come early and sign in at the credentials desk. Copies of the Mid-year Audit and Treasurer’s report will be available. If you cannot attend the whole day, you may choose a package option to attend your favorite part of the day. Opening Ceremonies and the Council meeting is free so please come and participate in the making of District 3 history. As a District Council member, you have an obligation to attend the business meeting. We need your vote. A copy of the registration and more information about District Conference activities is included.

    If you cannot attend, you may send a proxy in your place. The proxy holder must be a dues- paying member of your club. The President or the VPE may carry both club votes without a proxy form.

    Banner Pride and Proxy on reverse side

    Show club pride - Club Banner Contest!!!

    Don’t forget to bring your club banner. Show pride for your club on Saturday morning in the parade of banners. By participating in the parade, you could win a Success Leadership Module for your club worth $35.

    Dress comfortably and come prepared to participate in this first-time single-day conference. A break-room and plenty of water will be available for you to help keep you refreshed during this exhilarating day.

    See you on May 20!!!

    Kelli McDoulett, DTM

    District 3 Governor

    "Working Together; Making It Happen"




    If you are a club President or vice-president of Education and will not be attending the conference, complete the following PROXY information and give it to a member of your club who will be attending, so that your club can be represented at the District Council Meeting. A club President or vice-president of Education may designate in writing, any other member of their club to act as the club proxy at the District Council Meeting. Each member of the District Council or designated proxy is entitled to one vote. A Toastmaster carrying both proxies from the club is entitled to a maximum of two votes. District officers entitled to vote may cast up to three votes (their own and the two from their club).

    I (We) hereby authorize ______________________________________________ a member in good standing of the _______________________________________ club #_________ to cast my (our) vote at the District Council Meeting on May 20, in Phoenix, AZ.

    President Signature ________________________________________________________________

    VP Education Signature_____________________________________________________________


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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