d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 15, 2000 

Fall 1999 Speech Contest Winners Video

    The Fall 1999 Humorous Speech Contest Winner was: Harry Huffman, Park Central, Paiute Division.

    Fall 99 Humorous Speech Contestants and Winners.

    The Fall 1999 Humorous Speech Contest Winner was: Sharon Beth Falk, Desert Voices, Paiute Division.

    Fall 99 Tall Tale Contestants and Winners

    Contest Speech Videos
    (Harry Huffman, Sharon Beth Falk, Charles Shummway, Pat Gandi, Sheryl Murphy)

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    Double click on the file after it has downloaded to play it. It will automatically launch the MS Media Player or Real Player. If not, open window's media player and then open the file.

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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