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District 3 Toastmasters - d3tm e-news - August 1, 2000

===========  iBrief for Az Toastmasters ===========
                    by Judy Norris, DTM

(photo caption) Lee Wagner, DTM, is named as the 10th recipient of the District 3 Russ Backus Distinguished Service Award at the July Jubilee. Last year's recipient Juris Kursulis, DTM, made the presentation with Russ' wife, Mary Backus (center).

                    On July 29, members of District 3 gathered for the Last Hurrah of 1999-2000.  This was the party where we got to congratulate ourselves, install new District officers, give out district awards, and say good bye to Kelli McDoulett, DTM as District Governor.  The theme of this year's Jubilee  was a safari.  Many of the attendees came dressed for 'big game'.  The barbecue was delicious, and we could hardly wait to get to the festivities.

                    Brian Cavanaugh, ATM-S delivered the keynote speech,  "Come Safari With Me."  He told us that safari is a zulu word that means journey.  Then he took us on a number of  safaris down the yellow brick road and concluded with the thought that the most valued safari is a shared safari.

                    Roasting the Immediate Past District Governor is a tradition at July Jubilee.  District Governor PJ Glauz, DTM led the roast and many participated.  PJ said, "Kelli really wanted to be roasted by a close friend.  Kelli, we couldn't  find one, I came instead."  Mike DiCerbo, DTM shared  some of Kelli's direction giving 'abilities' with the audience.

                    Lt. Governor Marketing Mike Herskovits, DTM won the  costume contest in a 'tiger skin' that had to be seen to be  believed.  Past District Governor Terri Sparks, DTM earned the most 'bucks' in the District 3 Jeopardy game emceed by Past District Governor, Jodie Kay Petra, DTM.  Mike DiCerbo, DTM conducted the installation of the 2000-2001 District Officers.

                    AWARDS PRESENTATION
  The District 3 Awards given each year were announced.

                    Outstanding Committee Chair Award -
                          Dwayne Roberts, DTM
                    Outstanding Area Governor Award -
                         Art Nieto, DTM
                    Outstanding Division  Governor Award -
                        Dixie Humphries, ATM-B/CL
                    Outstanding District 3 Toastmaster of the Year
                        Nancy Starr, DTM
                    Russ Backus Distinguished Service Award
                        Lee Wagner, DTM (10th year recipient)

                    It was a super party!! Thanks, Kelli and Jan Gann.

                    YEAR END WRAP-UP
                    For the third time in as many years District 3 has been very busy 'working the program.'  What that really means is that individual members, clubs, areas, divisions and the district have focused on completing goals that lead to excellence.  When the critical success factors of  members, clubs, and educational achievements are kept in  the forefront of all programs, individual members benefit. When individual members benefit, every other aspect of  the Toastmaster International program benefits.

                    District 3 exceeded all of its goals:
                    Members - 102% of goal
                    Clubs - 101% of goal
                    CTM - 126% of goal
                    ATM - 306% of goal

                    There were 46 clubs who completed goals in the first year of the new Distinguished Club Program: 22 Distinguished, 10 Select Distinguished, and 14 President's Distinguished. (link to Chart)

                    For those of you who revel in statistics:  16 areas met their performance plan goals, 10 Distinguished, 4 Select
Distinguished, and 2 President's Distinguished. 4 Divisions also met their goals, 1 Select Distinguished and 3 President's Distinguished. (link to Chart)

                    We were especially busy in June.  Maybe deadlines make us get going; maybe many just finished up by June. Whatever the reason, 54 CTMs, 17 ATM-Bs, 9 ATM-Ss, 1 ATM-G, 13 CLs, 1 AL, 3 High Performance Excellence in Leaderships, and 1 DTM were recorded in June!!

                    ON TO MIAMI
                    All of  these accomplishments lead us to the Toastmasters International Conference in Miami on August 23-26.  At that time, Kelli McDoulett, DTM will receive the Distinguished District Award for District 3.  She will also accept the Excellence in Leadership award for the district's third year of Distinguished status.  Out-going Lt. Governor Education & Training PJ Glauz, DTM will accept  the Excellence in Education and Training Award for theDistrict, and Out-going Lt.Governor Marketing Virginia Richtar, ATM-B/CL will accept the Excellence in Marketing award.

                    As the Aussies say, "Good onya!"

                    PJ'S WORD OF THE MONTH
                    The word of the month, according to District Governor PJ Glauz, is "ACTION".  Yes, it is August already, the first 31 days of our Toastmasters year have come and gone and  now is the time to put into action all of those plans that have been made.  Make that final speech.  Attend the  area speech contest.  Complete the club Distinguished Club Plan (DCP). Bring in new club members.  Fill out and submit the paperwork.  Make the final effort of reaching the first half of DCP Goal #9 (four officers trained).  Attend the last District sponsored officer training session on Saturday, August 19th, 8:30am-12pm in Tucson, Arizona. Keep taking your next "Step to Success".

Guest Editor: Judy Norris, ATM-G/CL has been a Toastmaster since 1993.  She created and has edited the 'Casas Chronicle' for NW Casas Adobes for 7  years. This year she also created and edited an Area S-4 newsletter, 'Toastmaster Spoke.' Judy just completed her term as S-4 Area Governor.  That service was preceded by 18 months as TLI Chairman.

                         ~ Glenn | Next issue: August 15, 2000 |

 Speaking Tip:
Want to be heard by all of your audience? Tip: When you first begin your presentation look at the people in the last row - and talk to them. Your body will automatically attempt to project your voice to reach them. Talk to the people on the last row frequently throughout your speech and you will be heard.

Leadership Tip:
Delegation is a management function. Your "leadership" cannot be delegated.
                                                                       - Glenn Pike, DTM

d3tm e-news is a bi-monthly web-based e-mail publication of Toastmasters activities in District 3. To subscribe to d3tm e-news send a blank message to