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AUGUST 15, 2000

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - August 15, 2000 
This draft of the meeting is for review by the District leadership prior to approval

    I. Opening Ceremonies 
         A.Welcome by PJ Glauz 
         B.Introductions of District Officers at head table and Dignitaries in the audience 
   II. Housekeeping 
         A. Quorum: 25 present; we have a quorum 
         B. Unanimous Consent was explained 
         C. Membership: District Governor, Lt. Governor Education & Training, Lt. Governor
             Marketing, Immediate Past District Governor. Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations  Officer,
             Division and Area Governors 
        D. Appointments 
             1. Minutes Approval Committee: Dan Winscot, Pam Hall & Bud Wolf 
             2. Tellers: Jodie Kay Petra, Nancy Starr, & Joe DeRico 
             3. Timers: Juris Kursulis & Joseph Snyder 
        E. Approval of Agenda. 
   III. Minutes: Approved as distributed. 
   IV. Financial Reports 
        A. Treasurer’s Report –Janet Brinton. Report filed for audit. 
   V. Reports Of Officers And Standing Committees 
        A.District Governor: PJ Glauz: Congratulations to Immediate Past District Governor Kelli
            McDoulett and the Executive Council in achieving Distinguished District for third year in a 
            row with the theme, “Working Together, Making It Happen”. District 3 is #20 in the world.
            Kelli will receive, for the District, the “Excellence in Leadership Award” for achieving
            Distinguished or higher three years in a row. Seven Districts in the world will achieve this 
            award. Nancy Starr took District to Distinguished with “Share Your Success” and then
            Jodie Kay Petra with “Today’s Dreams, Tomorrows Realities.” PJ announced her theme of
           “Step To Success.” One step at a time to reach Distinguished by April 30, 2001, Select 
            Distinguished by May 31, 2001 and President’s Distinguished by June 30, 2001. Packet 
            contains draft of District Directory. 50% of club officer lists have not been received.
            Requested Toastmasters International to mail additional Proxies to clubs. Has requested 
            PDG Advisory Chair, Mike DiCerbo to have Advisory Committee review Outstanding TM 
            Policy 3, Outstanding Area Governor Policy 7, and Outstanding Division Governor Policy
            8. Need District committee Chairpersons and three Area Governor positions filled. Contact 
            Virginia Richtar, Mike Herskovits or PJ if interested. Governors and Committee Chairs 
            should invite assistants to training and committee meetings. Written report filed with 
        B. Lt. Governor Education & Training: Virginia Richtar: Goal for CTM’s is at least 25 per  month, 250 by end of April 2001; 4 ATM’s per month, 40 by end of April 2001. Contest for  Clubs achieving DCP goals of CTM’s by September will receive $5 gift certificate. In the  past year, we achieved 266 CTM’s, 55 more than our goal, and 92 ATM’s, 62 more than our goal. Written report filed with minutes. 
        C. Lt. Governor Marketing: Mike Herskovits: Goal is to focus on Club and Membership
retention, focusing on clubs with 10-19 members. Toastmasters International Membership building Contests will be encouraged. No District 3 generated contests are planned at this  time. 
        D. Public Relations Officer: Lucille Houston: Goals are to form a committee with one representative from each division, set up a link on District 3 web site, and get clubs to put the VPPR on the weekly agenda. Focus on monthly goals and membership growth. 

   VI.Reports Of Special Committees 
        A.Toastmasters Leadership Institute: Report presented by Nancy Starr. 420 attendees at first  two summer sessions. Expenses under projected budget. Report filed with minutes. 
        B.Fall Conference Committee: Report presented by Barbara Crowe 
        C.Marketing Committee: Report presented by Mike Herskovits. District 3 now has 150 clubs. 
        D.Club Rescue Committee: Report presented by Mike Herskovits 
        E.Membership Committee: Report presented by Mike Herskovits. 
  VII. Special Orders 
        A. Approval Of Appointed Officers: PJ Glauz 
             1. District Secretary: Dixie Humphryes 
             2. District Treasures: Janet Brinton 
             3. Public Relations Officer: Lucille Houston 
             4. Area Governors: C1 Bud Wolf, C2 Pam Hall, C3 Carol Cross, C4 Vasanti Deshpande,  C5 Cyndi Newburn, G1 Julie Ramsey, G2 Edward Lee, G3 Julie Stephens, G4 Richard  Wolkis, G5 Vicki Treciak, P1 Joe DeRico, P2 Bobbie Mendenhall, P4 Joyce Dunker, P5 Ton Stack, S3 Carolyn McLain, S4 Henry Knoepfle, S5 Roger Salterberg, Y1 Earl    Warren, Y2 Judy Edmond, Y3 Kay Kreisle, Y4 Laurie Carr, Y5 Kim Rosenlof. 
             5. Division Governor: With regret, the Chair accepts the resignation of Ellis Rackoff.
                 In accordance with the Division Administrative by-laws, Article 7, Paragraph F, the Chair appoints Art Nieto as Yavapai Division Governor. 
        B. Assignment of Clubs : No new clubs that require assigning 
  VIII. (Unfinished Business & General Orders) - none 
   IX. New Business - none 
   X. Announcements & “For The Good Of The Order”: 
     PJ Glauz: 1) Announced that the Area and Division Contests Schedule will be posted on the District Webb page and encourages attendance and participation.
     Nancy Starr 2) Congratulations all officially appointed and elected officers and thanks them for their attendance. Jodie Kay Petra 3) congratulations to the new Division Governor, PJ Glauz on a very fine job of running the meeting. 
   XI. Parliamentarian’s Report – Michael DiCerbo standing in for Dwayne Roberts. Congratulations to all officers on a job well done. Suggests that if someone has a question they stand to be recognized. 
  XII. Adjourned 

Submitted by:

  • Dixie Humphryes, District Secretary 


    Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
    Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL