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AUGUST 15, 2000

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - August 15, 2000 
Nancy Starr
District 3 Outstanding Toastmaster 
of the Year 2000___"Little did I realize"
Nancy Starr, DTM
In the spring of 1988, my co-worker Art Nieto, invited Janette Gann and I to attend a Toastmasters speech contest at Papago Toastmasters.  Not only did the speakers amaze me that day, I was impressed with the friendliness and professionalism of the participants.  The club had almost 50 members. 
Janette and I both joined the next week - I remember that Art said he had big plans for me.   Little did I realize!  With Art as my mentor, I was soon elected to my first officer position, VP Membership.  Next term I was running for VPE, then six months later, I was elected President.  Art made it clear that I had the potential to be a future International Director!! Although I was sure he was crazy, he helped me take one step at time.  It wasn’t scary at all.  So many people were willing to help, and there is always such terrific support for our leaders. 

Although I haven’t made International Director (yet!), I am clearly hooked on Toastmasters.  There are so many opportunities to learn, and to give.  Although I love my experience as a district leader, I am enjoying the opportunity to compete (and be humbled!) in speech contests again. 

For those of you who know me, Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) is a passion.  I have sat through too many “less than thrilling” training sessions.  I knew there had to be a better way.  After attending my first Regional conference in 1995, I learned about Toastmasters TLI program – an alternative to “traditional” club officer training.  With the support of then-district governor Terri Sparks, I put together a TLI team during my LGET year. Jodie and Stefan Petra were my chairmen.  Together, we had a vision, and they made it a reality.  It’s a program that continues to evolve, and I am in awe of the progress made by a handful of committed volunteers. 

One of the greatest moments of my life was standing on the stage in Palm Desert in 1998 to accept the Distinguished District award for District 3.  A throng of District 3 supporters who attended the International Convention surrounded me.   The moment was especially thrilling, since I had announced at July Jubilee that we had met all our District goals but one.  Imagine my surprise when I was told we had met all the goals! 

This past year, I decided that I needed to practice what I preached.  I can’t tell you how many times that I have encouraged others to apply for the Outstanding TM of the Year award, and this was the first time in 8 years that I was eligible! It’s so easy. Just keep a file of the Toastmaster activities for that year.  I kept a copy of the program from every contest, area meeting, conference, and club that I visited this last year.  I also kept a copy of my speech completion page from the manuals.  When July 1st, came along, it was easy for me to complete the form. 

I am honored to join the ranks of past recipients of the District Outstanding TM of the Year

The beauty of the Toastmaster program is that there are many more opportunities for me to grow and learn.  There are several administrative positions and committees that I would like to lend my talents to in future years.  But, first, I have to win my Area Contest, so that I can start my trek to World Champion of Public Speaking!   Hey, we all have to start somewhere! 

Basic Facts: 
Continuous member of Papago Toastmasters since April 1989. 
Held every club office except Sgt. at Arms. 
Outstanding Area M2 Toastmaster 1989. 
Served as Area M2 Governor 92/93
Outstanding Committee Chairman, 1994 (Judges Training and District Database)
Served as Metro Division Governor 94/95; Outstanding Division Governor
Elected as Lt. Governor Marketing for District 3 1995/96
Earned the  Distinguished Toastmaster award 1996
Elected as Lt. Governor Education  1996/97
Founded Toastmasters Leadership Institute - 1996
Elected as District Governor 1997/98
Achieved Distinguished District 1998
TLI Committee Chairman 1999-2001
Outstanding TM of the Year 2000

District 3 Clubs I have joined or helped sponsor:
Leaders Plus 
Talk of the Tower
Graceful Communicators
Good Neighbors
ISC Westwinds
Tosco Talkers


Nancy Starr, DTM holds Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year plaque.


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL