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District 3 Toastmasters - d3tm e-news - August 15, 2000

iBrief for Az Toastmasters
This weekend, two Areas present their Fall Speech Contests for your
educational benefit and Toastmasters entertainme
Area G3, Area Governor Julie Stephens 
Friday Aug. 18 - 6:00 PM Briefing, 7:00 PM Contest 
St. Matthew United Methodist Church 
2540 W. Baseline, Mesa, Arizona 
(East of 101 Price Freeway, North side of Baseline) 
Admission - $5.00. Food provided. 
Area G4 - Richard Wolkis 
Saturday, August 19 - Time 8:30 AM 
American Legion post #35 
2240 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ. 
Admission - $3.00 

The following weekend you can attend these contests
Area G5 - Area Governor Vicki Treciak 
Friday, August 25 - Time 7:00 PM 
Mesa City Council Chambers 
57 E 1st St, Mesa, AZ 
Admission - $3.00 

Area C4 - Area Governor Vasanti Deshpande 
Saturday, Aug. 26 - 8:00 AM Briefing, 9:00 AM Contest. 
For add'linfo: Phone: 480-814-3970 
ComTech EFData (Formerly Adaptive Broadband) 
2114, W. 7th St., Tempe, AZ 
Admission - $3.00 

Area G1 - Area Governor Julie Ramsey 
Saturday, Aug 26 - Time 9:00 AM 
Arizona Community Church, 9325 S Rural Rd 
Admission - Unknown 

Area Y2 & Y3-AG - Judy Edmond & Jay Kreisle 
Saturday, Aug 26 
7:00 AM Briefing, 8:00 AM Contest 
Honeywell, 59th Avenue & Union Hills 
Admission - Free 

Area Y5- AG Kim Rosenlof 
Saturday, August 26 
9:00 AM Judges Briefing, 10:00 AM Contest 
AG Communications, I-17 & Yorkshire Road 
Admission - Free 

(Division contest dates available at press time)

A night out with Toastmasters - better than a good movie.

Two District 3 member articles in TM Magazine. August issue of Toastmasters International's magazine, The Toastmaster, included "Spread Your Wings," an article authored by Steve Broe, DTM, Loose Lips and CHATS. The article, referred to as "inspiring" can be read online here.

An article by Club Marketing Chairman Art Nieto, DTM, Gilbert, "Breaking Ground on New Clubs" was published in the magazine's July issue. Congratulations to Art and to Steve!

In that same July issue, District 3 (info and photo) dominated the inside back cover with a story of the first-ever-chartering of a Toastmasters club in the Arizona chapter of the National Speakers Association.

Ooops. Missing from the July Jubilee report of awards in the last issue was the Betty and Bob Gillis Youth Leadership Award. Stan Walters, ATM-S, a long time member of Chirp and Choke is the 1999-2000 recipient. Stan's presence at club, area, and division meetings, and we suppose Youth Leadership sessions, has always been appreciated by "chocolate chip" cookie addicts (he is never without a container of his homemade delicacies).

District 3's quarterly newsletter The Roadrunner, goes to press under the new editorship of Janice Winscot, ATM. Her first will be for September. Janice's bio has all the right elements; bred infant finds happiness in the west, strives for education, rises from printers ink smudges to media master, and romance. Oh, it also includes her Toastmasters background.

What can you expect? Janice has provided a creative wordsmith's smorgasbord to reveal what's in the inkwell of future issues.

Joel Carrol of Twilite and Barry Beckman of Motorola are first to volunteer for the District's new 30 Day PR Plan. "I invite each club Vice President Public Relations, and others who are interested, to be a member of my team," states District 3 Public Relations Officer Lucille Houston, ATM-G. "Within each Division I have asked for the name of one person who can help coordinate our activities. The "30 Day PR Plan" ( in August.

"We are also developing a public relations home page ( a 'how to' resource site to assist VPPR's in reporting their club's activities to the media. As an initial "How to," check out this excerpt from the Publicity Handbook published by the Sperry and Hutchinson Company," said Lucille.

District Governor PJ Glauz, DTM, notes that many Toastmaster members (including Janette Gann, Glen Barber, Colleen Humpal, Judy Edmond, and Thomas Moody) and clubs (Gilbert, Above & Beyond) have started their Step to Success and she lists the District's to-date educational accomplishments.

Did you know that the winner of the District 3 Russ Backus Distinguished Service Award was once recognized as the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year for England and Ireland? Recipient Lee Wagner's background also covers her years of to District 3.

OR that Nancy Starr, winner of this year's Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year Award was first named as a District Outstanding Committee Chair, Outstanding Area M2 Toastmaster, and an Outstanding Division Governor? In her Toastmaster bio you may learn other little known facts. What's next? "Winning an Area Speech Contest," she says.

During the District 3 Executive Council Meeting July 29, DG PJ Glauz announced that District 3 will be one of seven districts among International's 74 which will receive recognition at the International Conference for having achieved Distinguished District for three consecutive years.

Other notes: There are 150 clubs in District 3. TLI trained 420 club officers during the first two sessions. Minutes (a draft) of the meeting, submitted by District Secretary, Dixie Humphreys, are posted here for your review.

The International Conference is August 23-26 in Miami.


There is an old saying in the theater, referring course, to actors, that goes like this: "By their entrances and their exits shall you know them." The beginning and the end! They are the hardest things in almost any activity to manage adroitly.

The close is really the most strategic point in a speech; what one says last, the final words left ringing in the ears when one ceases --- these are likely to be remembered longest.

An ending has to be planned sometime doesn't it? Is it the best part of wisdom to try to do it after you facing an audience while your mind must be intent on what you are say? Or does common sense suggests the advisability of doing it calmly, beforehand. One ought to know very definitely with what ideas he or she is going to close. Rehearse the ending several times using, not necessarily the same phraseology during each repetition, but putting the thoughts definitely into words. - Dale Carnegie, Public Speaking

Leadership Tip: Nothing motivates people so much as their own ideas. First step: Encourage thoughts to be expressed on the subject or problem. Second, recognize of the ideas offered.

To be more creative, read widely. One cannot think on an empty
mind. Do not censor your ideas - write down everything that comes
to mind, wait one day to edit your list. Put your ideas into action.
                                 - from 30 Days to a Good Job by Hal Gieseking

Glenn Pike, DTM | Next issue: September 1, 2000

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