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AUGUST 15, 2000

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - August 15, 2000 
  30 day Public Relations plan begins in August ___Lucille Houston, ATM-G, District 3 PR Officer
Remember the story about the flock of geese that fly in formation across our skies every year?  Together they fly 72% further than if they tried to make the flight alone. Like them, District 3 Toastmasters are going to be flying together to reach their goals. We are going to be working smarter and not harder. 

Exciting news! Joel Carroll from Twilite has
volunteered to be the Public Relations Representative
for Gila Division and Barry Beckman from Motorola has volunteered to be the Cholla Division Public Relations Representative on the District 3 Public Relations Committee. 

To start the Public Relations for our District, I am
challenging each Division and Area Governor to post
five flyers on Toastmasters each month, wear their
Toastmaster pin every day for the month of August, and talk to one person a day about Toastmasters during the month of August. They will report back the following month at their Division meeting.  Then, my challenge is that each Area Governor will pass these activities onto the club level for the next month. 

The Public Relations activities for the month of
September will be decided upon by the Area Governors of each Division - and all will work in unison within the Division.  Following Joel Weldon's plan to plan for 30 days, we will continue to set a specific plan for Public Relations throughout our year by breaking it up into 30 day increments.  Cholla and Gila Divisions will be the first to start the plan and contacts will be made with the other divisions to decide upon a beginning date. 


Pubic Relations
Home Page
BasicB's for Publicity
Sample Press Releases
And more

Lucille Houston
invites you to join Public Relations Committee

The Challenge:
 *Post 5 posters
 *Wear TM pin
 *Talk to one 
888person a day


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL