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AUGUST 15, 2000
Welcome to District 3, Toastmasters International

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - August 15, 2000 
Editor's ode to district 3's version of the swift running, long tailed, crested desert bird          (geococcyx californianus, ie: roadrunner)
I will be receiving and recapturing the remembrances, retrospections, rendezvous and recountings -- both from the leaders (required yet rhapsodic) and from the members (refreshing and reflective) -- and combining them with future reputable Roadrunners, reoccurring with reasonably regular releases.

A plethora of photographs will produce both prestidigitations and precious proclamations while our prestigious publication's price will remain unprohibitive.

Neither the fonts nor the folios will be flamingly flagrant or fatuous, featuring none of the often-time fashionable ransom note effects of forty-four faces used within the first fantastic flood of forecasts and factual feedback.

And finally, the scope and shape of the Roadrunner: Spreading the district's soaring song of "STEP TO SUCCESS" through a salient sculpture of stimulus, seriousness, stress-relieving anecdotes, self-improvement strugglings, and successful storytellings.

I hope that you will enjoy and contribute, using this instrument of 
District 3 to improve your communication and leadership skills while finding the courage to change.

Janice Winscot
Roadrunner Editor


Janice Winscot, ATM, Roadrunner Editor, (r) pictured with Dan Winscot and  Colleen Humpal.

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL