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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - July 1, 2000 
iBrief for Az Toastmasters

Excuse me, 
Didn’t I See You in Galveston?
       The following District Three Toastmasters attended the Region Three Conference, June 16 - 18, in Galveston, Texas:

Kelli McDoulett
PJ Glauz
Virginia Richtar
Mike Herskovits
Anne Price
Anton Vanterpool
Connie Kadansky
Dee Dees
Art Nieto
Mary Margaret Dockendorff
Elanna Donovan

Someone to Cheer!
     Elanna Donovan of the Ocotillo club represented District Three in the International speech contest and her "The Bus" speech was professional, heart-warming and struck a cord with everyone in the room. Unfortunately it did not place among the top 3 positions according to Kelli McDoulett, DTM, our outgoing District Governor. We're very proud of Elanna and all the International Speech contestants from District 3.

Toastmaster Clubs Earn 
President’s Distinguished Status
      Incoming District Governor PJ Glauz announced that two clubs had been recognized as “President’s Distinguished” clubs at the June 10 Toastmaster Leadership Institute in Mesa.

First Arizona club to earn the highest club honor in the year 2000 
   * The first club to earn this distinction was Dobson Ranch, which completed nine out of the ten goals specified on the Distinguished Club Plan.

How did the club do it?
     Several club members pointed to the officer team with pride for creating their year of success and distinction.

According to Elaine Ralls, “All the officers were involved in making it happen.  Everyone participated, and we monitored our progress at the monthly officers meetings as well as reporting at our meetings so that our members could see our successes.  In addition to promoting membership, my job was to make sure that our membership reports were current and accurate.   We definitely gained members during this time, and we met our goal as part of the president's plan.”   Elaine served as the clubs Vice President of Membership.

The “Star Organizer” of the club was Pat Gangi, according to Elaine

Pat Gangi, Dobson Ranch’s VP of Education spearheaded the Distinguished Club Plan.  She made it a priority,” said Howard Ladron, the new Sergeant At Arms for Dobson Ranch.   Howard said that Dobson Ranch “takes pride in developing speakers.   We feel that the achievement of our accomplished speakers is a reflection of the quality of our club.”

Helping new members get started was vital to the club’s success, according to Pat Gangi. “Once they joined, new members received a customized new member packet to keep them involved, until the official one arrived from Toastmasters International.   Elaine Ralls organized the membership packets, and assigned a personal mentor to each new member.  We supported the mentors by offering the Successful Club talk on Mentoring prior to making the mentor assignments.” 

Elaine Ralls was our outstanding ‘new member idea’ person,” according to Mr. Ladron.  “She always had new concepts, new programs.   She brought contests to the club - ideas such as leaving flyers at work.   Almost everyone took advantage of it.   In almost all cases, it was successful.   She also gave us an Internet connection.” 

Incoming president Dotty Legge was inspired by leaders like Pat Gangi and Elaine Ralls this last year.   She realized how focused the club leadership was on being named a “Distinguished” club.   “Our leaders got people aware of how close they were and then motivated them to go ahead and finish. Our club kept focused on the important goals." The important job of keeping track of the accomplishments was upheld by Peggy Minard, who served as Secretary for the full year.

Papago Club Completed All Ten Distinguished Club Goals
    The second club honored at TLI was Papago Toastmasters, which meets at the Salt River Project PAB Building.   Not only did the club claim a “President Distinguished” status, but it was the first club in the year 2000 to complete all ten goals on the DCP plan.

The president of Papago Toastmasters was Nancy Starr.   She was pleased with the results of her club.   Nancy recalled that “we started at the beginning of the year when we displayed our member achievement chart to our club.    The Distinguished Club Plan was mentioned throughout the year. We talked about who could reach goals and what could be accomplished.   I beat them over the head with it all year long.”

“Thank goodness for the new DCP,” said Ms. Starr.   “Its really much more simple.”

Nancy Starr credited Cyndi Newburn, Papago’s  Vice President of Education,  President-elect, and incoming Area Governor, for much of the club’s success this year.   “She was very upbeat and pushed some people toward their completions.” 

What was the hardest goal for Papago Toastmasters?   According to Nancy, “getting the last four new members.    Our club had suffered a modest decline in membership.   But now we’ll have over forty members by the fall conference.”

Nancy offered her advice for other clubs striving to become named distinguished:    “Make all ten of those goals visible to all members.  Except for the paperwork, it is the member who must get these done.”

Six clubs have reached the “President’s Distinguished Goal” in District 3, according to Kelli McDoulett.   Recently recognized clubs now include Fountain Flyers,  Chirp 'N Choke, Club 52 and Above and Beyond. It was reported on Thursday that Gilbert Toastmasters also reached the goal.

District Three May Earn 
Select Distinguished Status
      “I think we have a really good shot at becoming select distinguished.  The district’s critical success factors are new members, number of clubs, CTMs, and ATMs.   District Three hasn’t been named a select distinguished district in at least 15 years - and we have that opportunity.”
    ~  Kelli McDoulett, outgoing District Governor.

Toastmasters Leadership Institute was 
Eye Opening
     “TLI was eye-opening, it was impressive.   In particular, I gathered a lot out of the Team Building session.   It was the atmosphere that created the feeling for the class.    We spoke on logical issues.  At the same time that we talked about it, it was conducive to working together,” according to first time officer Howard Ladron of Dobson Ranch

“Toastmasters is an organization that thrives off each other.   Each individual builds off of others.   By having us all together, the whole atmosphere being supportive, we created common goals - that’s amazing.”

There is still time to send your officers to Toastmaster Leadership Institute and qualify for part of your Distinguished Club Goals. 

Toastmasters Leadership Institute is scheduled for July 8th, 2000 at ASU Memorial Union Hall.  For more information, visit the TLI Information page at:

"If you get out of Toastmasters everything that you can get out of Toastmasters, you will never get out of Toastmasters."
           ~  Helen Blanchard DTM, Past International President

Go Down in History
      Every year, District Three gives special recognition to memorable leaders throughout our wonderful all-volunteer organization.   One Toastmaster is named as the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year, like Doris Koressel, winner of the 1999 distinction.   Read about Doris’ achievement at
Many awards go unrecognized, simply because no one bothered to file an application.
      The deadline for filing your application as Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year is July 10th.
     For further information, and to print out your own copy of the Outstanding Toastmaster application, click here:
Applications must be returned to Virginia Richtar.   Call her at 623-849-0262 or send her e-mail at

2000-2001 Leadership steps into office
    "Virginia, Mike and I are raring to go," states new District Governor PJ Glauz, "and we've chosen "Step To Success" as the District theme.
"Step is an acronym we derived from:
(S)hare Toastmasters with others, bring in those new members and retain current members. Build 
(T)eam support. 
(E)ncourage one another to go the Toastmaster distance. Acquire that CTM, ATM, CL, AL, DTM, new club, and/or new member.  Send your officers to TLI, submit officer lists and semis on time.
(P)lan how you, your club,  area and division are going to succeed.

"Our 30 day goal is to acquire more CTMs (36), ATMs (3), new members (204) and new clubs (1) than we did for the same time period last Toastmaster year.  Lets take the first step, it is not too soon to submit that paperwork. Our long-term goals included being Distinguished District by April 30, 2001, Select Distinguished by May 31, 2001 and Presidents Distinguished by June 30th, 2001."

Where Can I Find A Toastmaster Form?
      If you need it, chances are good that a Toastmaster somewhere has invented a form to help.  The Toastmasters Web page ( has many of the official forms that club officers will need. 

A list of other useful forms and documents have been compiled and developed by Toastmaster Paul Knutson and organized by Steve Broe.   If you would like a list of member-created Toastmaster forms that you can use and modify * free of charge *, send an e-mail to Steve Broe ( with a subject line that reads “Toastmasters Resource List”. 

You’ll receive a list of useful forms and documents that can be sent to you as e-mail attachments.   Many clubs have already found the New Member manual quite useful.   Although some forms will require small amounts of editing to suit your clubs needs, you’ll have a large head start toward creating a big list of new resources for your club.

Here's a classic piece of leadership wisdom that applies to achieving success in any endeavor that requires working with others.  It's from the Chinese philosopher Lao-tze, circa 565 B.C.

A leader is best
When people barely know he exists.
Not so good when people obey and acclaim him.
Worse when they despise him.
"Fail to honor people,
They fail to honor you;"
But of a good leader, who talks little,
When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
They will say, "We did this ourselves."


Guest Editor Steve Broe, DTM, is District 3's 1993-94 "Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year" and served as its Public Relations Officer for 1998-99.

Steve is a member of Loose Lips, Early Risers, and Scottsdale Ranch Toastmasters.  Besides public speaking, his interests include creative thinking and writing, the clarinet, and meditation.  Reach Steve at You are welcome to provide Steve with your thoughts and comments regarding this issue.  

     ~ Glenn | Next issue: July 15, 2000



First club to reach Distinguished status: Dobson Ranch, in Meeting. President and Charter Member Richard Wolkis

*Elanna Donovan
*represents District at
*Region Conference
*First District 3 Clubs 
*to earn "Presidents's *Distinguished" honor:
*Dobson Ranch
*& Papago
*TLI  "Eye Opening"
*Go down in history 
*as an
*Officers S.T.E.P. 
*into new 
*leadership year
*Need a Toastmaster 
*Club form?
*Classic leadership
*Guest Editor: 
*Steve Broe

More on Region III Conference by Don Griffith

July 10 Installation set for Scottsdalians

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Public Relations Committee, Lucille Houston, ATM-G/AL, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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