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Speaking Tip:
Tell your audience early in your presentation when you will  accept questions ----during or after your talk.

Also deliver your strongest closing statements after the questions. You want to make the final impression.

Seeing his first American football game, the Englishman watched one of the teams  go into a huddle. "What do you think of football?" asked his friend. "It's not a bad sport," he answered, "but they have too many committee meetings."

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - July 17, 2000 
iBrief for Az Toastmasters

A young minister approached his senior pastor following the elderly gentlemen's final Sunday sermon on the morning of his retirement. "That was the best sermon I've ever heard," exclaimed the younger man. It's exactly the kind I want to deliver," he said. "How long did it take you to prepare it?" "Thirty-six years," was the response.

Few of our Toastmasters have been preparing their speeches for 36 years. Russ Backus did. He joined District 3 Toastmasters in 1952 and remained an active member until his death five years ago.

In 1991 his dedication to Toastmasters and his service to the District were recognized by the leadership with the creation and presentation of an annual "District 3 Distinguished Service" award in his name.

On July 29, during the July Jubilee Award Program, that honor will be bestowed upon a current member. Previous recipients. You are invited to attend by the Immediate Past District Governor Kelli McDoulett, DTM. Click here for the program's agenda and registration form. Please note the "Costume" contest and the Jeopardy Game.

You'll also discover first hand who wins the District's Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year Award, The Outstanding Area Governor of the Year Award, the Outstanding Division Governor of the Year Award, Outstanding Committee Chair, Bob & Betty Gillis Youth Leadership Award, and enjoy the District Leadership Installation Program.

A letter from Toastmasters International, addressed to Sound Blasters, #8722, has notified the club that its newsletter, edited by Jeanne Maggiore, was selected as a Top Ten Toastmaster Club Newsletter in the world-wide organization's 1999-2000 Contest. 

"I'm thrilled, said Jeanne, "as you can well imagine" when asked about her editing award. "I have never done anything remotely related to journalism and this has become a fun venue for creativity and humor for me." Read more about Jeanne's winning newsletter. Previous Top Ten recipients.

Jeanne is an avionics application engineer at Honeywell where she has worked for 11 years. She has been a Toastmaster for 1 year.

Tri-City Toastmasters, Club #4318, celebrates its 20th Anniversary Thursday, July 20 at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library Auditorium 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Visitors from other clubs are welcome and the meeting is open to interested members of the community. Refreshments. Guest Speaker. For information contact Tri-City's VP of PR, Julie Machett, e-mail

Join the Open House scheduled by Media Masters on Wednesday, July 19, from Noon to 1pm at The Arizona Republic, 200 E. Van Buren, Phoenix. Enjoy sandwiches, soda, snacks, an officer induction, and lots of fun! Speakers, evaluators, and functionaries are invited! Parking is available immediately north of the building in the open lot and parking will be validated. Contact: Janice Winscot, President, email:

Incoming District Governor PJ Glauz, DTM, has decreed "Steps to Success" as the theme for the 2000-2001 term.

It sets the stage for newly appointed Public Relations Officer Lucille Houston, ATM-G, past Gila Division Governor and a member of Leaders Plus to launch the District's new Public Relations Program. "We have several ideas to help provide support for Club PR officers that are designed to improve our visibility in the community and help attract guests to our clubs. Materials will be ready for distribution at the July 29 Executive Council meeting."

"We are looking for volunteers from the clubs, Divisions, and Areas to be on a PR Committee," said Lucille. "This committee will become a District 3 VPPR think tank and resource for District 3 clubs to eliminate the need to 'recreate the wheel' and to share ideas among all VPPRs throughout the state. In addition, after August 3, a web site will be developed by our new web master Rene Hicks in which sample PR letters will be available for members to use to share ideas on how to write news releases.

The July 29 District 3 Executive Council Meeting will begin at 10:30am in the Arizona Republic Building, 200 E Van Buren. Area/Division Governor training begins at 8am.

Is public speaking a gene?  If so, it could open a new world for Toastmasters. Imagine: "Yes, Doc, I'm scheduled to give my #3 Toastmaster speech on organization tomorrow. I need an organization-gene implant fast!"

Judy Norris edits her club's newsletter. On August 1, Judy's talents and toastmaster experience will be applied to the d3tm e-news as its "guest editor." She welcomes your input.

     ~ Glenn | Next issue: August 1, 2000

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Sound Blasters Wins Top Ten International Newsletter Award

*Russ Backus *Distinguished Service *Award
*July Jubilee Award
*Program & Dinner

*Sound Blasters wins
*Top Ten Club
*Newsletter Award

*Tri-City 20th Year
*Open House: Media *Masters
*Public Relations Officer *Appointed: Lucille *Houston


Leadership Tip:
People who have authority may not be leaders, and people with no authority can be great leaders.

Robert Reich, 
Harvard University
Political Economist

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. Lucille Houston, ATM-G, Public Relations Officer, Chairman.
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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