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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - July 17, 2000

Editor thrilled with Top Ten Award
Talks about content, reader interest, late hours and fun
When word arrived that Newsletter Editor Jeanne Maggiore's Club Newsletter for Sound Blasters had been selected as a Top Ten Club Newsletter by Toastmasters International, an e-mail was sent asking her to talk about the award, the newsletter's content, and her effort in producing it. Here is her response:

"I am quite honored, as you can well imagine.

"I have never done anything remotely related to journalism, and this has become a fun venue for creativity and humor."

What was unique about the newsletter?

"I think my "columns" -- "From the Grammarian's Desk", "Vocabulary Blasters", and the "Jokemaster Blaster" make the newsletter special. 

"For the grammar column, I usually pick my own "pet peeves" to address -- those points of grammar that are commonly misused.  For the vocabulary words,  words that are truly useful to express everyday life are the best. And I always receive great jokes via e-mail. 

"The color which was added to the newsletters layout and the photos we used helped entice the reader, I think, because at Honeywell, most people recognize all of the Soundblasters at least by face, and it's always fun to read about people you know.

"Getting members to contribute is always a challenge, and I'm thankful for Archie Maclellan, Maria Snyder, and Brian Cavanaugh's generous submissions, and for the internet! 

"I use  Microsoft Word, which I think is very intuitive  to use as a desktop publisher. 

"The newsletter is done during late hours and is time-consuming, so if any readers are considering taking on this task, remember -- its a LOT of work, but I recommend it as great, great fun! "


Jeanne Maggiore

ED: Congratulatory notes can be sent to: jeanne.maggiore

Previous Toastmaster International Top Ten Club Newsletter Award Recipients

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Lucille Houston, ATM-G, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL