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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 15, 2000 
iBrief for Az Toastmasters

Does your club have one or more "Outstanding Toastmasters?" Yes? Why not help them participate in the District 3 Outstanding Toastmasters of the Year program? 

Why shouldn't your club have a representive this year and a valuable member be recognized as one of the Outstanding Toastmasters in Arizona?

The 1999-2000 OTM year ends June 30. Candidate submissions are due (in Lt. Governor Marketing Virginia Richtar's mailbox, e-mail inbox, curling out the fax machine, or in her hands) on or before July 10. Submission Form/Worksheet and policy information are available online here. | OTM Slide Presentation (information and history) | Past Winner Interview with Beryl Burke by Steve Broe, DTM. 1999 Area/Division winners. Previous District winners. | The Ultimate Toastmaster Award.

Send Outstanding Toastmaster submission forms to: Virginia Richtar, 7327 W. Cypress, Phoenix, 85035. Fax: 602-849-0037. E-mail attachments: Phone: 602-243-1205.

District 3 Spring 2000 Speech Contest winner, Elanna Donovan, Ocotillo, will compete Saturday, June 17, at the Region III Conference in Galvestion, Texas. The contest begins at 5 PM (3 PM Arizona time). Send her a winning thought mid-afternoon Saturday.

Conducting an educational session at the Region III Conference (from District 3) will be Valley Toastmaster member Connie Kadansky, ATM Silver, (You Can Be Paid To Speak).

A Public Speaking seminar sponsored by T-Bird Talks at the Glendale Public Library on the evening of June 1 was attended by 15 people and has netted the club two new members with two more visiting as guests. Nine club members participated according to facilitator Carol Cross, Club VP of Membership. 

District Governor Kelli McDoulett, DTM, is counting new members and providing recognition every other day (by e-mail),  to the clubs which sponsor a new member --- from now until June 30.

The June 10th Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) session at Mesa Community College surpassed previous attendance figures. "It was a Hit" writes TLI Chair Nancy Starr, DTM. Next sessions:  June 24 - 8:30am-12:300m Tucson's VA Hospital, July 8 - full day, ASU. Tempe. Registration information

June is the last month to reach Distinguished Goals. Only two weeks left to Beat The Clock or to Get a Kelli-Girl.

Spring Conference keynoter, Joel Weldon, was also a speaker at the 1981 Fall Conference where it was reported he said "There are no excuses -- if you are not there (for a speaking engagement) ahead of time, you are late!" "If you are alone in the room," he added, "start talking to yourself." Joel is also the Keynote speaker for the General Session August 26, 1:30pm at Toastmasters International convention in Miami, FL. The title of his presentation is "So What and Who Cares."

As of May 31, 2000 Toastmasters International educational goals for District 3's CTM's and ATM's have been met. Congratulations to the 212 Compentent Toastmaster and 35 Advance Toastmaster receipents.

On Thursday, July 6, 2000, Speakers in Paradise will hold a special meeting to roast out-going president, Andy Castro. Turkey will be served to compliment the "Roast Turkey" theme and the club has prepared a few tips on a "How to Roast a Toastmaster." For information contact Chris Vicencio at

In the mail box:
From:"Peter Francis" To:
Subject:District 3 Website Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000

"I was just roaming around the Toastmasters website and wanted to congratulate you for doing such an outstanding job on developing it. My research work takes me all over the web and it must be the premier Toastmaster website in the country! It is strong both technically and aesthetically. All the best." Peter Francis, ATM.

Guest Editors add their voice to D3tm e-news. Steve Broe, DTM, 1998-99 District 3 Public Relations Officer and two-time District 3 Club Newsletter editor finalist (The Tatum Tribune) will guest edit the next issue set for Monday, July 3. Steve will welcome your contributions.

Judy Norris, ATM-G/CL, current club newsletter editor of North West Casa Adobes' Casas Chronicle and past TLI chairman, will add her extensive Toastmaster experience to the guest editorship of the August 1 issue.

It is encouraging to hear that most folks have photographic memory. Now, if I can only find my film.

- Glenn | Next issue: July 1, 2000

If I'm on line when you visit, we can talk - just click on the icon below. If not, your are welcome to leave a message. - Glenn

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL
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