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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 15, 2000
Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year

    Meet Beryl Burke, ATM-Bronze
    A member of Cochise, Santa Cruz and Thunder Mountain Toastmaster Clubs

    An Interivew by Steve Broe, DTM

    When did you join Toastmasters? Tell me how you joined.

    I joined in 1991. A friend invited me to go to meetings. I visited Cochise Toastmasters. I was very impressed, so I kept going back. I joined on my second visit.

    What was your most challenging speech assignment?

    Probably the inspirational speech. One was like an eulogy. I do particularly well with personal experiences.

    What speech did you have the most fun delivering?

    I've given so many fun speeches - I really enjoy giving humorous speeches. I gave a speech about marketing tarantulas. In the summertime, around July, after it rains, the highways are full of them. So I gave a speech about selling the tarantulas.

    What was the most challenging part of being named Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year?

    I didn't really know what the qualifications were, but I put it all down on paper. Bringing in 13 new members last year must have been the most challenging part of my effort last year. One of my recruits just received his CTM a week ago.

    What advice do you have for Toastmasters who want to be recognized as OUTSTANDING?

    Get involved in the Club, Area, Division and District events. Toastmasters who just participate at the club level are missing so much of our program!

    Who do you credit as your mentors?

    Joyce Redmond, who sponsored my membership in Cochise. She's always so positive, nothing looks difficult. She'll hardly ever miss a meeting.

    Tell me about receiving your award.

    The award was presented to me at the Fall 3 District Conference, and it came as a complete surprise to me when it was presented. The award was so big that I could hardly carry it. When I got on the plane to return home, all the passengers wanted to know what I was carrying, and how I earned it!

Beryl Burke

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL