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d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - June 15, 2000

T-Bird Talks hosts Public Speaking Seminar
Secures two new members and future prospects
    by Carol Cross, VP Membership, T-Bird Talks

    On June 1, members of T-Bird Talks presented a "Speaking Professionally to "seminar at the Glendale Public Library which was open to the public. We took one entire club meeting and rehearsed the seminar. That was probably why it went so well.

    One of our speakers was Aimee Tewalt, Miss Rodeo Arizona, who is a member of our club.  She rehearsed her speech about 6 times at club meetings and each time we helped her improve it.  She came to the seminar in full regalia.

    The club members were wonderful and made it a memorable evening.  We had about 15 guests, and have already had two new members sign up and pay their dues.  Two others are still coming as visitors.

    An additional benefit of the program has occurred at a major corporation in the valley where my daughter works.  I sent flyers about the seminar to her office. The publicity has inspired the corporate club's lapsed members to get involved again.

    We were very happy with the results of our seminar and are looking forward to doing another one soon.


    Cindy Moore, Toastmaster

    Mike Enriquez, President, ATM, Introduction of Toastmaster

    Cindy Moore -  Introduction of Seminar and speakers. 

    Mastering Public Speaking  - Carol Cross,       CTM

    Publicizing Your Speeches  -  John Tucker,      CTM

    What T-Bird Talks Means To Me  - Speakers

        Aimee Tewalt, Miss Rodeo Arizona 

        Dean Gibboney, CTM

        Jim Tewalt

        Mike Enriquez,  ATM

        Edith McIntyre, CTM
        Wanda Milton, CTM

    Questions and Answers

    Break with Refreshments

    Completion of Marketing Plan with attendees by Carol Cross

    Drawing For Prize

    Final Words, Mike Enriquez

    INCLUSION OF THANKS (Certificates of appreciation were 
    given to members at the next meeting to these people listed 
    below and all who were speakers)

    Special Thanks To These T-Birders Who Helped With 
    This Program

    Lois Pensiero  - Who worked with me from the very beginning 
    and gave her support - meeting with me over two hours at a 
    time four different time

    Cindy Moore - Who agreed to be Toastmaster and advised me 
    on the program.  She shortened it from 2 hours forty minutes 
    to 1 hour and a half

    Brian McAuliffe - Who has worked with me in making the 
    display board, collating, stapling and other logistics - he 
    worked with me about four times at the library and took work 
    to his office

    John Tucker - Who edited press releases, mailed them,  and 
    made copies - some of his press releases were published in 
    the Arizona Republic and Glendale Star

    To all the Speakers - Who wrote and practiced speeches, and 
    gave up their evening to support this program

    To all the members of T-Bird Talks - Who  have supported me 
    since I joined and support this program

    To all attendees  - Who gave up their evening to learn 
    something new that could build their business

    Carol Cross, VP., Membership

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL