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District 3 Home Page   |  SPEAKERS BUREAU  

Speakers Bureau Application

Please type/print and send to: DEE DEES, DTM
Speakers Bureau Chair

13940 E. Shannon
Gilbert, Arizona 85296
480-963-1221  •

Speaker's application information will be included in a printed directory and distributed to civic, community, educational, governmental, and professional organizations in Arizona which frequently seek speakers for their programs and events. It is also posted on the Speakers Bureau web site at http ://www. for the speakers who wish to be included.  A photograph may also be submitted for the web page listing. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope if the photograph is to be returned.

Please check all personal. By including it here, you are giving permission for it to be published in the directory.

___ Name ___ Address ___ Phone(H) ___ Phone(W) ___ E-Mail ___ Fax

SIGNED _____________________________________________________ 


Name _______________________________________________________

Club and Club #________________________________________________

Circle Applicable Level --CTM, ATM, ATM-S, ATM-G, DTM

Address ______________________________________________________

City ___________________________State _______________ Zip ________

Telephone (H) ______________________ (W) ________________________

Occupation ____________________________________________________

Biography _____________________________________________________



Speech #1 ____________________________________________________

Title __________________________________________________________

Subject _______________________________________________________

Speaking Time ______________________

Description of Speech ____________________________________________



(Using the above Speech #1 format, please attach another page for additional speeches. The Speakers Bureau usually lists about three speeches)

Examples of previous speakers bio and speech descriptions can be viewed at the Speakers Bureau web site.

 Web Site Produced & Developed by Glenn Pike, DTM