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District 3
. The concept and development of a District 3 Operations Manual began with the realization that the District did not have a "standardized" way of doing things.

In conversations between district leaders --- the fact that no one could go to a specific place and find out how District leaders before them had done something --- was often discussed. Each administration, it seemed, started over, often times "reinventing a wheel" that previous administrations had already invented.

During Nancy Starr's term as District Governor, the attempt to create a "Standard Operating Manual" was initiated. Dwayne Roberts, ATM-S, offered to put it together as part of the "High Performance Leadership Plan" required to achieve his AL.

"The topic of SOM," said PDG Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, "was added as an agenda item to each of our PDG meetings last year. Leadership is intent on offering the resources of previous officers to future leaders."

The manual, according to Dwayne, is a work in progress, one which will be added to continually.

The purpose of a District 3 Operations Manual is detailed by Dwayne at the beginning of the manual.

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