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District 3,  

    1999 DISTRICT 3
    Outstanding  Toastmaster of the Year 
    Doris Koressel, ATM
Doris Koressel, ATM

Doris' personal life includes Nolan, her husband with whom she raised six children. They now have five grandchildren.

 "The Ultimate Toastmaster Award"

by Glenn Pike, DTM

"In the Spring of 1989 I went to my first Toastmaster conference. It was held in Tucson. My son and I traveled together and I had such a good time. I will never forget the next conference in the Fall when the Outstanding Toastmaster was announced. I thought this was the ultimate award. I wanted to cry because I was so happy for the recipient. I felt, what a wonderful felling it was to think that I could someday have the chance to be the Outstanding Toastmaster."

These thoughts were written by Doris Koressel, ATM, in a letter to Janice Winscot, LGM, attached to her candidate's District 3 1998-99 Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year submission form.

The dream of an "ultimate award" for a Toastmaster became Doris' award and a reality on the evening of July 31, 1999 during the annual July Jubilee Celebration.

Following a reading of the lengthy list of Area and Division level candidates, District Governor, Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, announced the District winner to be . . . Doris Koressel, ATM. 

The District theme; "Today's Dreams; Tomorrow's Realities, came true for Doris.

The recognition comes at a timely time in Doris' Toastmaster membership. After serving as the Districts' Telephone Referral Chairperson for the past eight years, while also serving one term as the District secretary, participating regularly in two clubs, achieving two CTM's during 1998-99, Doris has wanted to have more time to pursue her other Toastmaster interests.  . . "to be, in her words. "a P.O.T. (plain 'ol Toastmaster).

Doris Koressel joined Chirp n' Choke in 1989 and added a second club, Valley Toastmasters, in 1994. 

In 1990 she accepted the Chairmanship responsibly of handling the District Telephone Referral Committee. A position which requires that she respond to all calls made to the telephone number listed in Greater Phoenix Area White Pages.

"The District receives an average of 10 calls a day," says Doris, "however, it can take several calls to successfully respond to each of the 10 calls I receive. I usually have to make several call backs, either to catch the person home, or to provide them with the information they want."

"But I loved it. It's the best way I know of to promote Toastmasters and to be a part of a prospective new member's search for a club. When I see a new member's name on a club or district roster,  I can often say to myself, "there's a person I helped join Toastmasters."

Telephone calls seeking information about Toastmasters in Arizona often require a follow up mailing of printed information. 
When she began the taking the district's calls, she started including an appropriate copy of the Toastmaster Club Meeting /Locations Map developed in 1987 by Glenn Pike, DTM, when she mailed information to a potential guest. In 1995 she also accepted the responsibly of maintaining and updating the maps for District use.

Doris' Toastmaster activities have included membership in two clubs, serving as an officer every year in one or more of those clubs, Area Council Secretary, District Secretary under District Governor Lee Wager, DTM, participating in the Toastmasters on TV program.
attending every conference except one during her membership, and speaking at school and civic functions as a member of the District Speakers Bureau. 

"I've always entered my club's Speech contest, mostly for the practice and to participate, and I did reach the Division level once, in the Humorous Speech Contest with a speech about "cockroaches." (I remember that one Doris. Glenn)

Although Doris says she wants to be a POT, the Yaviapai Division Governor, Lee Ellis, DTM, convinced her that he foresaw a lot of traveling ahead of her this year —traveling to the  clubs in Northern Arizona as the Public Relations person for his division. 

"Looks like I'm going to be a "traveling POT," says Doris.

And we might add, a traveling testimony in behalf of the "ultimate Toastmaster award" as District 3's 1998-99 Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year. 

On the 
personal side:


Copyright 1999,
District 3 Toastmasters
Toastmasters . . . for better listening, thinking, and speaking.

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