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for a special District 3

District 3 Toastmasters covers

 the state of Arizona except for Yuma 


July Jubilee 1999
Russ Backus Distinguished
Service Award recipient:
Juris Kursulis, DTM

Youth Leadership Award:
To be Announced

1999 Outstanding

Doris Koressel

District Leadership
Kelli McDoulett

Committee Chairs
Mike DiCerbo

District 3   
A 1997-1998, 1998-1999 Distiguished District 

Toastmasters International is the world's leading non-profit organization helping  people  improve their communication and leadership skills. District 3 provides this beneficial learning opportunity throughout Arizona with educational activities and a network of over 135 clubs.

Clubs in Arizona: Time & Location Maps  
     Clubs meet weekdays---morning, noon, and evening.  
  Community  Programs  E-mail Contacts 
           Youth | Adult | New Clubs | Telephone Referral 
           Speakers Bureau
Index to Speech Topics & Speakers
            Toastmasters International 
                How to join | All about Toastmasters | Clubs around the world

The Roadrunner
    District 3's Quarterly Newsletter of member activities

   1999 Spring Conference: Online
           Conference highlights, presentations, and pictures.

      Toastmasters Leadership Institute
Attendees Say Time Well Spent

PROGRAMS District 3 Policies

District 3 History Index 

* Quick Site
Index Map *

2000-2001 District Theme:
"Steps to Success"
Kelli McDoulett, DTM
Toastmasters International logo
The names "Toastmasters International","Toastmasters", and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.