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Christine's Photo Gallery: Her most recent work. 
Powerful imagery created completely from her own work and maniupulated 
via Photoshop and Painter.

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Image Index: Christine's Photos

There are three ways to view Christine's gallery.

Image Index

This method is good if you have a fast computer

As opposed to Gary's gallery, Christine's loads full-sized images into the 'Index'. So, when you click on a picture, it will bring you to that image's ' FRWD/BKWD' page. You may then view the image with less clutter.

With an appropriate browser, clicking on the image 'spawns off' the ' FRWD/BKWD ' page into a new window so the index stays put for further browsing.

You also have access to all text for each image.

Regular Text-Linked Index

This method is good if you have a slower computer.

If you click on INDEX or on the line above, you will have access to a text-linked list of Christine's photographs. From it, you may view any image by clicking on it's name.

FRWD and BKWD arrow keys

This method is good if you wish to see every image in a sequential fashion on a slow or text-based computer.

Click the right arrow to move forward an image, the left arrow to move backwards.

If you click on the underlined sentences just below each image, it will give show you the associated text for that image.

In the case of Christine's photos, clicking on the image does NOT give you a larger image. There are no thumbnail images because her photos are too dense to see anything when they're that small and if you'd like a larger image, send me E-Mail about you're purchasing a print. They are available at $400.00 per image for (largest size) 8" x 10".

If you have any questions or suggestions please send them to:

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