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  • Full name: Jordan Taylor Hanson
  • Nickname: Tay
  • Professional name: Taylor Hanson
  • Birthdate: March 14, 1983
  • Sign: Pisces
  • Birthplace: Jenks, Oklahoma
  • Current residence: Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Former residences: Trinidad-Tobago; Venezuela; Ecuador
  • Parents: Walker and Diana Hanson
  • Siblings: Isaac, Zac, Mackenzie, Jessica, Avery, and Zoe
  • Pet: A cat named MaMa
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blond
  • Instruments: Keyboard, synthesizer, bongos, conga, piano, drums, and tambourine.
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  • Favorites:
  • Music: Counting Crows, Spin Doctors, Natalie Merchant, No Doubt
  • Sports: Soccer, basketball, rollerblading, go-carting
  • Food: Pizza, McDonald's, mashed potatoes, burritos, chicken, fish, steak, and cheeseburgers with everything
  • Breakfast cereal: Cocoa Puffs
  • Dessert: His mom's brownies and strawberry ice cream
  • Candy: Jellybeans, especially the cherry red ones
  • Drinks: Mineral water and Dr. Pepper
  • Color: Red
  • Second favorite color: blue
  • Subjects: Literature and computer arts
  • TV shows: FRIENDS, Frasier, Seinfeld, Anamainiacs
  • Actor: Tom Cruise
  • Actress: Jennifer Aniston
  • Spice Girl: Emma Bunton "Baby Spice"
  • Movie: Star Wars
  • Game: Laser Quest
  • Shoes: Adidas and Doc Martens
  • Clothing: His maroon sports jersey and baggy pants
  • Store: The Gap
  • Jewelry: His necklaces
  • Shampoo: Flex
  • Toothpaste: Colgate
  • Pastimes: reading and drawing
  • Childhood toys: His plastic sword and Legos
  • Animals: Monkeys, Dolphins
  • Cologne: CK Be
  • Football team: Miami Dolphins
  • Expressions: "That's cool!" and "Weird!"
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  • Quote: "Everything changes."
  • Hidden Talent: Tay's the artistic type, often making pen and ink or crayon portraits of his friends.
  • Band position: Lead singer and keyboardist
  • First career ambition: To be an architect or a cartoonist
  • Computer: A Toshiba laptop-he loves to surf the Net
  • Worst habit: Tapping on everything
  • Best quality: He's a perfectionist
  • Boxers or briefs: Boxers