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Hanson Trades

Hey!!! If you want any appearances that Hanson has been on and you have missed it and you want it, please let me know what all you want and I will send it to you. I just ask for this. If you have Hanson from any of these appearances that would be great!!! All you have to do is copy it onto a blank video and send it to me and I will send you what you have asked for. That is called tape trading!! Here is the following that I do not have:
1) Et tonight

2) E! News

3) CNN

4) The Today Show

5) This Morning

6) First Rosie Appearance

7) Fox After Breakfeast

8) I Will Come To You Video from the Beacon Theater

9) Planet Hollywood Press Conference

10) Inside Edition

11) Wall*Mart Live Concert

12) White Shirt Alert (I'm not sure if this is an appearance or not but if it is I want it!!!)


Here's everything I have:

1) Letterman - All 3 Appearances

2) Leno - All 3 Appearances

3) Regis & Kathie Lee

4) Oprah

5) Jenny McCarthy

6) MTV Movie Awards 97

7) And the Nominees Are?

8) Weird Al

9) Singing the National Anthem

10) Christmas In Washington

11) TGIF

12) Good Morning America

13) Much Music

14) Kids Choice Awards

15) Hosting SNICK

16) Saturday Night Live

17) MTV Live

18) OddVille

19) MTV Scrapbook

20) MTV Live from the 10 Spot

21) MTV All time top 10 Sibling Videos

22) FANatic

23) The Premire of Weird on MTV

24) European Music Awards

25) The Grammy's

26) Aurthur Ashe Kids Day

27) MTV's Motel California

28) The Magic Hour

Ok I think that's all I have, I can't remember everything!!!! If there is anything else that they have been on and I did not list it and you have it, please ask me if I have it!! If not, then I'll add that to the things I want!! Well, I hope you will do this for me. If you do have everything and you want something else just ask and I'll give it to you depending on what you are asking for. I will also be giving out the Tulsa, Tokya and Middle Of Nowhere video, I can make copies!! If you don't need anything and will give me the tape then I'll pay for it. I will pay up to $10, no higher........I guess it depends on what all is on the tape though. Whatever, I just really love to see those appearances!!! Send me e-mail here:

  • NutyGinger I'm on a lot so I will get your email so, PLEASE!!!!!!!! Email me if you are willing to give those appearances away!! I don't care if you don't have all of them I just want some!!!!!! Thanks!!! I hope you like my site!!!
