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On War

". . . throughout the history of the multiverse people have said nice things about every cauliflower-eared sword-swinger, at least in their vicinity, ont the basis that it is a lot safer that way. It's funny how the people have always respected the kind of commander who comes up with strategies like "I want fifty thousand of you chappies to rush at the enemy," whereas the more thoughtful commanders who say things like "Why don't we build a damn great wooden horse and then nip in at the back gate while they're all round the thing waiting for us to come out" are considered only one step above common oiks and not the kind of person you'd lend money to." ---Terry Pratchett, "Eric"

Isn't that about the truth. The sad fact is, is that war has shaped our socity more than peace has, because war is so much easier than peace. It's so much easier to say "Nuke 'em" than "Hold on a minute, lets figure out what the problem is." Of course war will never go away completly, conflict is part of human nature, but if each one of us focuses on resolving our own "inner" conflicts, we may see much less of our good buddy war. And that, my friends, is a good thing.

