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Our translators, guide and bus driver!

Like it says at the top, this is a page with pics of our translators, guide and bus driver while we were in Honduras.

This is Kelsin when we were hiking up to LaTigra.
One of our translators Sarahi. She was very sweet.
Here is a pic of Francia. Her and Hiliana are sisters.
This is Hiliana...she was hiking in LaTigra when this pic was taken. We were having alot of fun! :o)
Hiliana and Vienna eating with us the last night we were in Honduras.
Here is another pic of Kelsin...oh and in the back left corner, that is jeff.
This is Marcelo.
Me and Vienna.
Nadia and me.
Me and Santiago.
Iliana and me. Nadia and her are sisters.
Those were all pics of our translators. They were all really cool, very nice and alot of fun to be with. And most of the time one of them was there with us when we needed to know what someone was saying to us. We had a great time with them while we were there.
Ok well this was our guide when we were in LaTigra. He only spoke spanish though so if we needed to ask him somthing we had to have a translator there with us.
Last but not least...this is Alex and me. He was our bus driver while we were in Honduras. He was really cool and a christian. After us being there umm..i dont think we had even been there a week yet...but he learned all of our names, and there were alot of names to remember!! :o)