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Welcome to Warriors Last Moon Home Page

This page was last updated: October 3, 2007

Last Horse Show:

Next Horse Show: March 26, 2006

This is my home page about my horse. He is a Registered Thoroughbred Stallion, his Registered name is Warriors Last Moon. He was born on March 21, 1996. He was imprinted at birth and is extreamly calm. He was headed for the race track. But for some reason I was allowed to step in and purchase him. I started him out in the round pen last November (1997) using technicues from "Jon Lyons round pen reasoning" and some help from my friends. They kept telling me that one day he would just start following me. I never did believe them until one day, he did just that. In the middle of me getting him to use the round pen and go the direction I wanted him to go, and he was doing it, he just came up to me and stoped. From then on where ever I went he followed me. This still holds true today a whole year later (1998). I dont let him forget his round pen lessons. And on days I dont have alot of time to ride I still will use the round pen. He quickly progressed and i soon had him Driving some time in January. We worked on the driving each day and in March I incorporated 2 days a week where I had him undersaddle. The driving stayed untill around May when we entered our first show. Not for the ribbons but for the experience. He handled his first show well, mostly he slept through it. In June of this year he was started on three days of riding and this still is his current schedule, and we are now training in Dressage. He is doing wonderful, he catches on very quickly and is very calm and a sweet horse. My 5 year old son sits on him. He amazes me with his patience, and confidence, for being under saddle only 7 months, riding only two or three times a week for a 1/2 hour and slowly increasing to 1 hour.

I have put the buttons below for you if you are interested in finding out more about Warriors Last Moon. Please feel free to have a look around and enjoy the pictures and stories.

This is to show my stance on horse slauter!

Check Out These Links!

The Huachuca Saddle Club
Cochise Dressage and Combined Training Club
My horses Great Grandfather Native Dancer!


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