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QUESO: What a dawg!

QUESO was part of our lives from 1981 until 1997, when he was put to sleep after a long bout with, well, old age.
An irrascible, ornery and loveable fella, he had his own dog-way of doing things. His name means "cheese" in Spanish. Why cheese, you ask? Before coming to live with us, Queso was known as "Casey." That's how he was identified on his collar when he lived for a short time at the Arizona Humane Society. The shelter staff tried to contact the owners, but they had moved out of state.
Because we had a family member named Casey, we thought it might be appropriate to change his name slightly. He had an interesting habit of sleeping on his back with his lips rolled back to show his teeth and gums. He looked like he was smiling...or saying "cheese." So Queso fit his personality.
We miss the old guy. We will never know how old he was. When we adopted him in 1981, the vet guessed he was about two years old. So we know he was at least 17 years old when he moved on to that great chicken-chasing pasture in Dog Afterlife. He loved to chase chickens and birds. In his earlier years, he actually caught a couple...much to THEIR surprise.