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The Road Home

It had been a long journey. I am very weary, anxious and sad that I am still so far from home. Now it is getting dark and cold, the shadows on the path appear as menacing madmen just waiting for me to be less attentive to the path.

Ahead, I see a gentle glow coming from a canyon off the main trail. As I reach a divide in the trail, I have a choice to continue on the darkening path or following the green glow of the side canyon. Off in the distance on the dark path there is the promise of light, but it is a long long way.

I choose the canyon trail, beckoned on by the glowing warmth ahead. The deeper I walk in the canyon, the lighter it gets. Lush ferns and orchids cling to the walls of the narrowing canyon. Every so often, glistening crystals in vivid hues punctuate the verdant green. I am comforted by the gentle gurgling of the brook meandering through the middle of the canyon. I look more closely to discover a myriad of colorful fish, dancing and darting just beneath the surface of the cool waters.

Although comforted, I feel very much alone. I settle on a boulder of rose quartz, closing my eyes to enjoy the quiet. I hear something moving on the other side of the stream, startling me to open my eyes. Directly in front of me, a black wolf sits on the opposite bank, calmly eyeing me. Rather than being afraid, I am drawn to the creature, feeling an overpowering love that aches because it is so deep. I talk softly to the wolf and cross the stream on partially submerged rocks.

When I reach the other side, I look down at my feet to see the paws of a white wolf. The black wolf rushes to me, licking my face, jumping around, and gently nipping my ears and legs. Suddenly we are man and woman locked in the embrace of lovers reunited after being separated by time and space. I cry tears of joy and ask where my lover has been. He looks deep into my eyes, puts his hand over my heart and says, "I have always been right here. You only needed to walk into the place where I was. It took awhile, but here you are...and here I am. Now we are together until the end of time...if that is what we choose."

Gently leading me by the hand, he climbs onto a zebra's back and pulls me behind him. The animal saunters forward, turning a bend to a meadow filled with wildflowers below a beautiful snow-capped mountain peak. I know now where we are going...home, together at last.

Namaste. We are we once were and will be.

- Kate Lightwalker
Human Tribe Scribe
March 1997

Lightwalker Poetry
