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LHLCGA Lucy Quotes

Lucy telling Scott about his & Dom's baby

Lucy: This baby of yours almost kicked me out of bed last night.
Scott: Then it's definately mine.

Lucy to Kevin when he was shutting her out on General Hospital

I am not the little airhead that you like to pretend I am just to protect yourself.

Lucy telling Bobbie to stick with the therapy sessions!!

I know it is going to work though because Kevin IS the absolute best and I am currently of the belief that true love conquers all in the end.

Lucy trying to STOP Kevin from going to see Ryan at Bellmore

Lucy: Doesn't the phrase "Let sleeping ducks lie" mean anything to you?
Kevin: Isn't it "sleeping dogs?"

Lucy determining that Kevin REALLY IS Kevin

Lucy: It is you.
Kevin: How do you know?
Lucy: 'Cause a woman knows her lovers kiss.

Lucy swearing off trouble (YEAH RIGHT!)

I promise to stay away from trouble even if it comes to my door begging and pathetic and whinning I will say "go away trouble." I will be good.

Lucy and Kevin discussing the perfect fit

Lucy: Well we are like the same coin broken in half and the pieces they fit together awefully nicely.
Kevin: Boy, do they fit.

Lucy begging an unconcious Serena to come back to her.

Hey Pumpkinhead. It's your almost-mommy here. I had Kevin run home and get me the dress you like so much you know the little sundress that matches your eyes? And I got him to bring me the butterfly earrings that you love so much. You know, remember how I always tell you stories about when you were in my tummy? And remember I told you how you used to squirm and kick me so much that at night I couldn't even sleep. And I would stay awake and I would tell you stories. I would make up these magical stories -- at least I thought they were. Some of them were good -- the phony ones you know but the best ones were the true ones, the ones about you. Because I knew that when you were in my tummy you could hear me. Just like I know that you can hear me and feel everything I am saying to you. I love you Serena. I love you so much.

Lucy at the '98 Nurses Ball talking about the power of unity.

One candle by itself gives off a little light, but a whole group of candles standing together can light up a whole room, and I think it's true with all of us too. Alone, we're pretty capable we can do things, but not quite enough. And together, collectively, I really think that we can ensure the success of finding a cure for AIDS and HIV.

Lucy describing how Kevin makes her feel.

He's the best actually, he's strong and kind and smart and handsome and he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the whole wide world. I simply have to get back to him.

Lucy on why she lost Kevin

I guess I had a good thing and I didn't really know I had it. And I jus let him slip through my fingers.

Lucy trying to figure out why she cannot get pregnant.

What is it? What is it? I want this one thing! One thing I want! Why can't I have it? Why can't I have this one -- one tiny thing I want a baby, that's all, that's all...but is it me? Is that it? Because I am too horrible to have a child? That's it I'm too bad.

It should be mentioned here that Lynn Herring won the SOD award for Outstanding Lead Actress for this quote in 1998. Way to Go Lynn!

Lucy tells Kevin about Livvie and Jack's camping trip in the woods.

Kevin: Why didn't she tell me about it?
Lucy: You're her dad. Maybe she didn't want to worry you.
Kevin: Now I'm worried.

Lucy and Kevin inform Chris about the details surrounding the death of Judge Kurland.

Chris: Let me get this straight. You showed a terrified, traumatized, old man the picture of the guy who attacked him and he dropped dead?
Lucy: At least we were in a hospital.

Lucy yelling at Chris for blaming Doc for Kurland's death. (was not his fault by the way).

Chris: Are you threatening me?
Lucy: You bet your sweet asprin!


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