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Hervey E. Marr, M. D. of the city of Onawa, was born at Pleasant Grove, Olmstead County, Minnesota, July 7, 1857, and is the son of John Hiram and Catherine N. (Ross) Marr. In 1862, the family removed to Norfolk County, Canada where they made their home until 1871, and then emigrated to Winnesheik County, Iowa. One year later, they came to Monona County and settled at Onawa. Hervey moved each time with his parents. He received his early education in the district schools, both elsewhere and here, and at the age of sixteen years, commenced running the engine for Maughlin & Marr and contined with them for about two years. After a short time in the same trade with Baxter Whiting, the City Flouring Mill, he entered the Homeopathic Department of the Iowa State University at Iowa City, and after a severe course of study was graduated from that institution, February 28, 1882. He entered upon his career as a practitioner of medicine at Victor, Iowa County, in the fall of the same year, and continued there for two years. At the expiration of that time, he removed to What Cheer, Keokuk County, and contined in practice at that point until December 18, 1886. On the latter date, he came to Onawa where he has been engaged in the duties of his chosen profession ever since. Previous to entering college in 1879, it may be of interest to note that the Doctor spent several years in teaching school in this County.

The Doctor was united in marriage November 15, 1882, with Miss Carrie M. Prather, who was born in Iowa City, this State, April 18, 1864. She is the daughter of Washington and Rose E. (Brigham) Prather, natives of Iowa, who are still residents of Iowa City. Mrs. Marr is the eldest of a family of three children all girls. The Doctor and Mrs. Marr have had their home brightened by the birth of two children: Irving E., born February 12, 1884 and Ivan W. March 6, 1886.

Doctor Marr was one of the charter members of Monona Lodge, No. 184, Knights of Pythias, whose Castle Hall is located at Onawa, and with which he is still identified. Since coming to this place he has built up quite a practice and by strict adherence to the duties of his profession and keeping abreast of the times in his reading, has been eminently successful. In November 1888 he was appointed a member of the board of insane commissioners and still holds that position. Mrs. Marr is a consistent member of the Baptist Church and a conscientious christian woman.