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TO: Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Marr


Dear Folks:
In the past week I have had a couple of enjoyable days, as I have been with Bill. On both these days, we had a great time recalling past and present experiences. He looks fine and hasn't changed since I last saw him about three years ago.

I certainly wish that I could watch (sisters) graduation ceremony tomorrow, and I wish her the most of happiness and good fortune.

You are foolish to give me any consideration in your plans for moving and to where you plan to live. I appreciate your thoughts, but I am not any factor.

Thank you for the two books of puzzles. I can dilly-dally on those for quite awhile.

I hope you feel better at this time Dad.

I'm beginning to have my doubts about ever seeing Irving, but of course there's always a chance.

As ever - John

TO: Mr. I.E. Marr
Thanks for the five bucks. It was put to a good use, but this island made stuff carrodes my pipes.

I can't truthfully say that I would enjoy the weather at home when it gets down around -15 f., but I could really go for the sight of some snow.

I had a few drinks with (censored) yesterday and talked quite awhile with him.

I was surprised to learn from you that Irving is still stateside. I wrote to him at his new address. I wonder if I'll be able to see him in the near future?

The way the papers print the news over here, I get the idea that there are a lot of fouled up, back-biting doings going on in the states. I mean in reference to labor and hinderances to the war efforts committed by the people. Haven't they heard? There's a war going on.

Your son, John

TO: I.E. Marr
FROM: PFC John H. Marr

Dear Mom, Dad, and Sister,

I am on a transport and out on the Pacific. I am going into combat soon.

Hope you are all well.

Your Son & Brother,


TO: I. E. Marr
FROM: PFC J. H. Marr
Dear Mother, Dad & Sister,

I'm out on the Pacific again on another cruise. I will be going into action soon but I'm not telling you this for any reason except to let you know that I will not be able to write for some time.

I was very pleased to receive your letters and the photographs, they are swell.

Dad, there is a fellow on this ship, a marine, whose name is Sather. He says he lives in Staples and his dad is an engineer on a Staples to Dilworth run - know him?

I am in sight of Bill's ship constantly

Although living conditions are now very (can't read), as all troop ships are, it isn't a bad tub and we are getting three squares a day. I'll write you later and don't worry.

As Ever

TO: Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Marr
FROM: PFC J. H. Marr
Dear Folks

I am on Iwo Jima. Landed D day and up to now I am alright. Will write you in the near future.

Your Son
