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1. From the files of our source, Charles D Misner: "When his daughter Sarah was 10 weeks old (about the end of May, 1793) Nicolas and his family left New Jersey for Canada. They traveled with a yoke of oxen, one cow and a mare saddled or harnessed to the cow. Jane rode the mare with daughter Sarah in her lap. The family traveled to Oswego, New York (which is on the southeast side of Lake Ontario). In Harley Misener's information this is recorded: 'Jane and the children were placed in a flat bottom boat and finished the journey by water while the men continued overland with the creaking two-wheeled carts which was their method of transportation. Nicolas possessed a cow and a mare and these two were harnessed together to draw the cart.' (No mention is made of the team of oxen). From Oswego, Nicolas, Jane and the children boarded a vessel and sailed to Niagara, sending the cattle around by shore. Another account has only Jane and the children taking the boat ride. They landed in Niagara on July 4, 1793. The entire trip took about six weeks. They settled in Crowland Township, Welland County, Ontario. After being there about 40 days, Nicolas walked to Toronto (around the west end of Lake Ontario) which was then called Little York, took the oath of allegiance to the British ruler, paid a fee of 4.00 and walked home. (some accounts have the fee as 40.00) The trip for Nicolas was about 100 miles each way. The farm remained in the family until 1963. The current owners have the original Crown Grant given to Nicolas. It is dated March 1, 1797. The legal description is: 'Beginning within one chain the Northwest angle of Lot #2, 2nd Concession, thence 40 chains west, thence 50 chains South, thence East 40 chains, thence North 50 chains containing 200 acres of land.' This is described as Lot #3, 2nd Concession.