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He was born at Simcoe, Ontario Canada February 17, 1815. In 1854, he came to the United States locating in the state of Iowa. From there he came to Burt County, Nebraska, in November 1862, where he has resided continously since. Most of his years in this county have been spent in Arizona Twp where he followed farming. Of late years, he has made his home with his daughter Mrs. W. N. Haywood in this city.

Mr. Marr was united in marriage in April 1835, to Melissa C. Boutwell.

In the war of the rebellion of 1837 and 1838 between the Lower Canada French and the Upper Canada British, Mr. Marr took a part.

Richard Marr and his sons were very instrumental in the development of the Arizona Township and surrounding area. The following is taken from the book "Tekanah 1854-1943".

"Organization of School District #24: Those whose names appear as qualified voters were: Dall Lydick, George Austin, Monroe Clawson, William Goag, Richard Marr, P.G. Marr, Nathan Stevens, J. H. Drake and Joseph Hall.

"From the first record book of District :24: Notice: The meeting for the organization of School District #24, Burt County, will be held on the 26th day of October, 1877 at the house of Richard Marr, at 7 o'clock p.m. for the election of a moderator, treasurer and director of said district; and for the transaction of such business as shall lawfully come before it. Dated this 29th day of October, 1877, Joseph Hall, director.

"Pursuant to notice given as required by law, of which the above is a true copy, the first meeting of School District #24 of Burt, County was held at the house of Richard Marr in said district on the 3rd day of November at 7 o'clock p.m. Dall Lydick was chosen chairman. The following district officers were elected for the ensuing year, to-wit; Peter G. Marr, Moderator; Joseph Hall, Director, Dall Lydick, Treasurer.

"A special meeting of School District #24 of Burt County was held pursuant to the notices legally given, of which the above is a true copy, at the house of Richard Marr in said District on Saturday, the 9th day of November, 1878 at 7 o'clock p.m. The Moderator being in the chair. The director also being present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Moderator having briefly announced the object of the meeting, as stated in the notices above mentioned, it was made to advertise for building a schoolhouse by the first of January, 1879. On motion, the building committee is instructed to make up the plans and specifications of the building and advertize for the erection of the same and have the building completed by the first day of January, 1879. The building is to be erected on blacks, to be latticed and plastered and painted outside. Motion to adjourn carried. Joseph Hall, Director.,br>
"Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of School District #24 of Burt County, that a special meeting of said district is called on the written request of five legal voters of said district and that said meeting will be held on the 20th day of November, 1884 at 7 o'clock p.m. to consider the following objects: viz; the laying of the brick foundation and repairing the schoolhouse.

"The work of contruction the Marr School was contracted to hank Wilber. School is still being held in the same structure. From kerosene to electric lighting, from wood and coal stoves to modern oil burners, and from plastered to insulated tile walls are only a few of the interior changes.

One of the first teachers was Katie I Reyman. School was held for only five months each year.For the two summer months, she received thirty six dollars, and for the three winter months, she received sixty dollars. The difference in her salary was due to a larger student body, and the greater amount of work she was expected to do. Miss Reyman's enrollment was nineteen. Harold and Keith Fairbair, Mickey, Lonnie and Karen Marr were students in 1954. Lonnie and Karen were the third generation of Marr's to attend District #24.