You Know You Need A Upgrade When:

1. You turn the power on and your house lights dim.

2. You enter your user name in asci and your password in binary.

3. You wear sun glasses because the light from the vacume tube is so bright.

4. You have to ware ear plugs because the hum from the vacuum tubes is to loud.

5. You have to make your own vacuum tubes.

6. Your back up consist of a stack of punch cards.

7. The only game that you can play is pong, and that takes 10min for the ball to cross the screen.

8. When it takes a fork lift to move the computer into the other room.

9. When you have to knock down a wall to move it to another building.

10. When you think upgrading to 512kb of ram will really speed up your system.

11. When 512kb of ram “does speed up your system”.

12. When your calculator has more functions then your computer.

13. When your typewriter is fasted than your computer.

14. When people keep making reference to paper weights and boat anchors, when talking about your computer.

15. The only chip inside is a Dorito.

16. Lower corner of screen has the words "Etch-a-sketch" on it.

17. In order to start it you need some jumper cables and a friend's car.

18. Whenever you turn it on, all the dogs in your neighborhood start howling.

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