Redneck Definitions

Hard drive: Trying to climb a steep, muddy hill with 3 flat tires and pulling a trailer load of fertilizer.
Keyboard: Place to hang your truck keys.
Window: Place in the truck to hang your guns.
Floppy: When you run out of Polygrip.
ROM: Delicious when you mix it with coca cola.
Byte: First word in a kiss-off phrase.
Reboot: What you do when the first pair gets covered with barnyard stuff.
Network: Activity meant to provide bait for your trout line.
LAN: To borrow as in, "Hey Delbert! LAN me yore truck."
Cursor: What some guys do when they are mad at their wife and/or girlfriend.
Bit: A wager as in, "I bit you can't spit that watermelon seed across the porch long ways."
Digital control:What yore fingers do on the TV remote.
Packet: What you do to a suitcase or Wal-Mart bag before a trip.
Log on: Making a wood stove hotter.
Log off: Don't add no more wood.
Monitor: Keeping an eye on the woodstove.
Download: Gettin the farwood off the truk
Megahertz: When yer not keerful gettin the farwood
Floppy disk: Whatcha git from tryin to carry too much farwood.
RAM: That thar thing whut splits the farwood.
Hard drive: Gettin home in the wintertime wit no heater.
Prompt: Whut the mail ain't in the winter time.
Screen: Whut to shut when it's black fly season.
BYTE: Whut dem dang flys do.
CHIP: Munchies fer the TV.
Microchip: Whut's in the bottom of the munchie bag.
Modem: Whacha did to the hay fields.
DOT MATRIX: Old Dan Matrix's wife.
Laptop: Whar the kitty sleeps.
Software: Them dang plastic forks and knifs
Mouse: Fuzzy, soft thing you stuff in your beer bottle in order to get a free case.
Mouse Pad: That's hippie talk fer the rat hole.
MAIN FRAME: Holds up the barn ruf
PORT: Fancy Flatlander wine
Enter: Northerner talk fer, C'Mon in y'all
Random Access Memory: When ya cain't 'member whut ya paid fer the rifle when yore wife asks.
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