NUTRITION FOR LIFE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Independent Executive Distributor - PM Enterprises, Phoenix, Arizona

Independent Executive Distributors
Nolan A. Polson, Chandler, Arizona
David w. McMeen, Phoenix, Arizona

PM Associates

Find out how I won a BRAND NEW 1997 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE from Nutrition For Life International! This opportunity is amazing! This will be the most significant decision that you make in your life!

1997 Cadillac Sedan DeVille

Advantages of the Nutrition For Life Business Opportunity
  • Very Stable Company - 15 years in business and is nationally traded on NASDAQ.
  • Has experineced 300% growth in the last two years.
  • National Advertising by Kevin Trudeau, the Multimillionaire, makes it easy to sponsor people.
  • International Expansion: Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, Ireland, England, Phillipines.
  • Nutritional Products are of the highest quality at competitive prices.
  • National Training Seminars allows you to sponsor anyone across the nation.
  • Video Presentations allow for a truly duplicatable system.
  • Compensation Plan is truly the most lucrative in the industry...check it out.

    Nutrition For Life Links

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    The Latest News about Nutrition For Life!
    Average Earning Statistics as of July 1997
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    Harvard Business Study on Network Marketing
    Why is this Network Marketing Company different?
    (free home page by Angelfire)

    For more information regarding this tremendous business opportunity
    Contact Nolan Polson at 1-602-821-4118 or 1-888-262-7816 (Direct)
    or by e-mail at

    This is a perfect opportunity for those of you who are looking to supplement their income on a part time basis. I am looking for highly motivated individuals who are willing to spend 5-10 hours per week part time in order to supplement their current incomes. If you would like more information, just send me your Name, Address, and Phone Number and I will be more than happy to send you a free information pack.


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