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A little about my family...

     We're all about six people in my family. My dad (Mehdi) which is about 51 years old now. My mom (Roya) which is about 47 years old now. Then they're my brothers, Ardavan (24), Amir (19), and Mehrdad (10) which is my small brother.

      First of all my dad is a pHD student at "Universite du Quebec a Trois-Riviere". He's been married for more than 30 years, yet still he looks like he has just came out of College. It's just that, he's a very live and active person. Also much like me... my dad loves talking alot, and I guess that's why, he has kept it so *young*

      My mom, on the other hand is a very stable, house loving person. She's very beautiful, but that is the last thing she ever thinks about! Most of my mom's pasion in life is her four boys, and all she thinks and dreams is that we grow up to be succesfull people in life. I always very greatful to have a mother like her, because she's truly the best mother any child could have...

      Ardavan is my oldest brother. he's currently studying Mechanical Engeneering in Iran. Ardeh, as I call him looks much like me... but fortunately he's far more intelligent than I'll ever be! Ardavan is a very quiet and shy person, and most of his intelligent and philosiphies comes from reading books when he was as early as six, seven years old!!!

      Amir is my closest brother since we kinda grow up together. I have most of my sweet and bitter memories with him. Anyway, right now he's also in university. He's studying Electrical Engeneering at Concordia University in Montreal. Amir and I get into a lot of fights, but we always forget about it sooner than you think... like five minues after = : )

      Last, but not least... there is Mehrdad! well at school they call him Mohammed, but anyway Mehrdad is the cutiest. He's a very emotional caring kid. He's also a very creative artist, and has a lot of hidden talents. Yet, believe it or not... when it comes down to trademarks, it's always his cuteness that identifies him as Mehrdad, which in a way is very ?

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    Me personnaly, I'm a very social guy and   I love being with poeple. I've gotte lot of friends that I hangout with, but when it comes down to frienship, only a few names ring a bell in my ears.

      First of all, my best friend is Bashar. Bashar is my age, and him and I went to school together in Westmount. He's the only guy that I can count on, and I think that's what makes a good friend... Someone whom you can trust and depend on, and as long as that is the cencern... Bashar is a really good friend.

      Chelsea... you can say is someone I really call a good friend. Unlike most girls who all they think of is shopping, sex and guys, Chelsea has much more than that in her life. We also gratuated togther from Westmount, and I think it was in highschool that most of our memories were captured in...

      There is also John, who is a real good friend of mine. John and I go back to grade nine. When we both met, we were the only people who didn't speak much french. Over all, John also is a good friend, even though sometimes he can really get on my nerve with his evil plans for the future = : )

      After that, there is also bunch of people who I also care about, and call a good friend--- My brother Amir, Abbas, Ehsan, Akbar and Razie. Friends from highschool, like--- Philip, Shreen, Dominic, Abbas, Robert, Zia, April & Daniel.


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