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Islamic Republic of Iran
Imam Khomeini:

Ayatollah Khamenei :

Seyed Mohammad Khatami:

Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran (September 24, 1902 - June 3,1989)

Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran (vali-e faqih) ........ (May 1989 - Present)

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (elected on the 22nd of May 1997)

(According to the article 5
of the constitution, the
highest authority in the
Islamic Republic is the

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Cabinet Members (1998)

First vice-president:

Advisor to the President :

Vice-president and Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) :

Vice-president and Head of the Physical Education Organization :

Vice-president of Environment Protection Organization :

Vice-president in Executive Affairs :

Vice-president and Head of Planning and Budget Organization :

Vice-president for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs :

Vice-president and Secretary General of the Administrative and Recruiting Organization :

Hassan Habibi

Mir -Hussein Mussawi

Gholamreza Aghazadeh

Seyed Mostafa Hashemi Taba

Massoomeh Ebtekar

Mohammad Hashami

Mohammad Ali Najafi

Hojatoleslam Seyed Abdoulvahab Musavi Lari

Mohammad Baqerian

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Cabinet Ministers (1998)

Foreign Affairs: Kamal Kharazi

Economy: Hussein Namazi

Defense: Ali Shamkhani

Energy: Habibollah Bitaraf

Oil: Bijan Namdar Zanganeh

Justice: Esmaeil Shushtari

Labor: Hussein Kamali

Agriculture: Issa Kalantari

Health: Mohammad Farhadi

Industries: Gholamreza Shafei

Cooperatives: Morteza Hajj

Commerce: Mohammad Shariatmadar

Higher Education: Mostafa Moein

Interior: Hojatoleslam Seyed Abdoulvahab Musavi Lari

Culture and Islamic Guidance: Ataollah Mohajerani

Housing and Urban Development: Ali Abdolalizadeh

Road and Transportation: Mahmoud Hojjati

Mines and Metals: Eshaq Jahangiri

Intelligence: Qorbanali Dorri Najafabadi

Construction Jihad: Mohammad Saidi Kya

Telecommunication: Mohammad Reza Aref

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General Principles (1-14) The Official Language, Script, Calendar, and Flag of the Country (15-18)
The Rights of the People (19-42) Economy and Financial Affairs (43-55)
The Right of National Sovereignty and the Powers Deriving Therefrom (56-61) The Legislative Power (62-99)
Councils (100-106) The Leader or Leadership Council (107-112)
The Executive Power (113-151) Foreign Policy (152-155)
The Judiciary (156-174) Radio and Television (175)
Supreme Council for National Security (176) The Revision of the Constitution (177)

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