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*List of Universities*

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)Tehran university

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)Gilan University

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)Amir Kabir University

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)Shahid Beheshti University

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)Esfehan University of Technology

bluebot.gif (326 bytes) Shiraz University of Medical science

bluebot.gif (326 bytes)National Research Center for Genetic Engeneering and BioTechnology

uniheadtop.jpg (22222 bytes)Welcome to Iran's Universities: Here you'll find information, and links to major universities in Iran, and learn more about what they can offer you at their university.



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Esfehan University of Technology is well known for it's bright gratuates, and well intelligent professors. For more info please click on the image.

Tehran university is simply the best university in Iran.

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Shiraz University of Medical Science is one of the toppest universities of Iran in the field of Medical Science. It is located in Shiraz which is in the southern part of Iran. For more information, you can click on the logo to enter the official website.

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National Research center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is a well known college in Iran that offers one of the best programs in all fields of science, medical and technollogy all together. To know more about them, please click on the image which is right-sided to the text.

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constroflash.gif (7058 bytes) *Universities that are under construction* constroflash.gif (7058 bytes)

1. University of Alzahra, Vanak Avenue, Tehran, Iran.

2. University of Boalisina, Hamadan, Iran.

3. University Complex of Engineering & Technology, 1346 Junction of Valleg-Assr, Mirdamad Avenue, Tehran, Iran.

4. Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Mashad, Iran.

5. Ghazvin University of Medical Sciences, Ghazvin, Iran.

6. Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmark, Tehran 168 44, Iran.

7. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

8. University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

9. Islamic Open University, Tabriz, Iran.

10. University of Mazandiran, P.O. Box 444, Bobolsar, Iran.

11. Orumiyeh University, P.O. Box 165, Shahid Beheishti Street, Orumiyeh 57135, Iran.

12. University of Razi, Azadi Square, Bakhtaron, Iran.

13. University of Shahid Beheishti (Meli), Tehran, Iran.

14. University of Shahid Chamran, Ahwaz, Iran.

15. Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran.

16. School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

17. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

18. University of Sistan Va Baluchustan, P.O. Box 161-98135, Khash Road, Zahedan, Iran.

19. University of Tabriz, 29th of Bahman Boulevard, Tabriz, Iran.

20. University of Teacher Education, 49 Mobarezan Avenue, Tehran, Iran.

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