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M41-A Pulse Rifle
The Colt 41-A pulse rifle is a 10mm pulse action automatic rifle, which has been adopted to be the marines standard personal issue weapon. The rifle has an over-and-under configuration that also comprises of a 30mm pump action grenade launcher. A spring loaded retractable stock allows the weapon to be used in a Carbine format (with the stock retracted) or as a standard rifle, with the stock extended for a greater stability when the person is firing from the shoulder.
The standard ammunition is a M309 10mm X 24 round. The ammunition is caseless and has a high explosive tipped with light armor piercing capabilities. It is designed to puncture personal armor, exploding just after the impact to inflict massive internal damage to the target. Due to the efficiency of the ammunition, the round is nearly all warhead, making it very compact. The ammunition clip will hold up to 100 M309 rounds in a 'N' bend conveyor, which feeds the rounds mechanically into the breech. In practice situations though, the clips are filled up to 95 rounds in order to reduce the autoloaders tendency to jam up.
The rifle also uses an electronic pulse action to fire, controlled from the trigger. The weapon can be set to selective, burst, or full automatic depending on the select switch. Which allows the option of a higher rate of fire up to the weapon's full cyclic rate of fire of 1000rpm. A LED display is situated just below the receiver to indicate how much ammunition is left in the clip. The underslung 30mm grenade launcher uses a pump action to load the breech from the five round capacity to help the internal feed. Once the launcher has been loaded, it can fire the grenades using the trigger. This means that the weapon's regular fire facility is immobilized while the launcher is primed, although it's operator can override this option by pressing the select switch fully down. The launcher sometimes employs the M40 figmentation round as standard, but HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing). Other ammunition is also available, such as White Phosphorus Incendiary and Hexachlorine Smoke ammunition is used sometimes. The gun itself is a very reliable weapon, it's fully sealed against corrosion and dirt, yet, it's easy to dissemble and maintain. The optical electronics are hardened against the EMP and radiation, and the weapon is perfectly useable in a vacuum. However, using this weapon out in space, it is not stabilized enough or dampened for free-fall combat operations.
