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Book Reviews




Written by Harry Turttledove

Reviewed by John J. Rust

World War One with a twist. It's 1915 and war still rages across the North American continent between the U.S. and the Confederate States of America.

A total winner. Turttledove shows how the war is going through the eyes of several characters. Soldiers in the trenches, Canadians living under U.S. rule, civilians both North and South. I thought he did a better job bringing the fighting to life in the first book American Front. Here he concentrates more on the impact the war has on people, both soldiers and civilians. Those who were pumped up when the war began in 1914 are disillusioned or only care about making it out alive. Rationing, death notices from Western Union and crippled soldiers are shown throughout the book. Besides the regular war-fighting, the USA must deal with a Mormon uprising in Utah while Negroes start a Communist Revolution in the CSA.

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