My Awards
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My Awards

With a deep bow I accept and apprieciate these awards I've got for this homepage. I'm so grateful to the people who has felt that this page was acceptable to earn their award.

The very first award given to me was Susan's Apple Award.
Take a look at her place, and understand my gratefulness.

The 12th of February 1997

Visit Susans Homepage - Go for it !!

My second award was given to my by Jay - Mr. Wonderful Himself - he is a real member of the chavelry - always in a fantastic mood - the womens guy !!
Visit his page - and you will feel the touch of the old days - when men where men and women where women - WOW.
Listen to the romantic music...

The 23rd of February 1997

Visit an old world - and then again - is this happening today?

Two awards is missing - one from Tammy and one from Canuck !! - because of Angelfire's Diskcrash - and my lack of a backup they are lost !! :(
If any of you (Tammy or Canuck) should ever come here again - please e-mail me !!

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