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My name is Melody and I am 33 years old and married to the most wonderful man in the world, ED aka /X\(xx)/X\. We were married in 1983 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We were blessed with a daughter,Mychala Rhea,in 1984 and she is the apple of our eye. We now live in a lilttle town outside of Phoenix,Arizona. I work at a golf resort there. Please check out The Players Suite from the lobby...It's pretty cool place (haha Cool place in Arizona).
I also have devloped a liking for chatting so if you would like to chat my Icq # is 13976862

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I have many interests and hobbies I am, I guess, what they call eclectic. Stephen King is my favorite author and Pet Semetary and It are my favorite books. My favorite movie is Pyscho ( the black and white version). I love to paint and write. I am a hopeless romantic, my new favortite romance movie is "Messege in a Bottle" with Kevin Costner. I am infatuated with Clint Eastwood( Dirty Harry...Outlaw Josey Whales...and my favorite High Plains Drifter) and have seen I think every movie that he has ever made,and love "Bridges of Madison County", and I tell my Hubby that he is the only guy that I would ever leave him for *LOL*.

I also like messing around with webpages and using Java and Html Have had some fun with these so check out these pages Angels Among Us and My Corner of the World I will add other pages as I make them so check back often.

I also love music all type and hope to soon have a midi or real player page of my own but until then take a look at these in the mean time...
Marybeth's Memorable Melodies
Lost in the 50's
Music,Midi and Lyrics

I was young a million years ago, so it seems
But now I am a parent where a child used to stand...
the years fly bye as I watch her grow and wonder if I have raised her okay
and will she miss me when she is grown and gone away
Of this I am certain I will enjoy her while we still have things in common
and think of each day that she's away.

Dedicated to Mychala... I Love You