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Dance Director

Sara M. Keesler formed the Willcox Country Dance Organization in 1995. She decided to begin instructing a youth dance team because her daughter (Savanah) wanted to learn to dance. Ms. Keesler contacted some of her Kickin' It Country Adult Team Members and asked them if their children would be interested in learning a few line dances. The response to her class was remarkable. So on November-8-1995, The Desert Dancers youth team was formed. On November-15-1995, Ms. Keesler began teaching her first youth couple.

Word spread around Willcox quickly about these talented young dancers. Ms. Keesler began to receive calls asking the team to perform at various functions around town. The kids danced for cookies, punch, and an occasional monetary donation.

In January-1996 Ms. Keesler asked the kids if anyone would be interested in learning more complicated material and putting together a Competition Team. She explained that this would mean extra practice and alot of dedication. Ten students were chosen and after Ms. Keesler had a meeting with their parents, The "Desert Thunder" Competition team was formed.

Younger students began to want to join the Desert Dancers, but due to their young ages their attention span was not quite as long as the class required. Ms. Keesler began a class especially for those students that are from 3 to 6 years old.. This group is called the Lil' Wranglers .

Ms. Keesler Loves Directing her Teams. Her students have such enthusiasm and they really love what they are doing. Ms. Keesler is very proud when any of her Teams show off their Incredible Talent.

Under the Direction of Sara M. Keesler...
  • Desert Thunder Competition Team
  • Youth Competition Couple
  • Teen Competition Couple
  • Lil' Wranglers
  • Desert Dancers
  • Kickin' It Country-Adult Team

    Ms.Keesler has an Assistant Instructor. Her name is Shannon Klump. Shannon is a member of the Kickin' It Country Adult Team and she has two children on the Lil' Wranglers Team. Shannon Loves to dance and is a very important part of this Organization.

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