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HelpAsia Email List for 10 Asian Countries

HelpAsia is an academic / research list for people interested in issues and problems of "Human Rights, Environment, Law and Peace" (HELP) in the following ten (10) Asian / South Asian Countries:

1- Afghanistan 2- Bangladesh 3- Bhutan 4- China

5- India 6- Iran 7- Maldives 8- Nepal

9- Pakistan 10- Sri Lanka

This historical initiative for research, awareness and advocacy is open to public and it is designed to raise critical issues and provide communication links and a space for the exchange of information among researchers, scholars, activists, writers, lawyers, academicians, journalists and professionals interested in all forms of Human Rights, Environment, Law and Peace (HELP) issues and initiatives. We seek to promote wide-ranging multidisciplinary discussions on HelpAsia, which bring together a broader group of natural and social scientists and practitioners than have so far addressed issues facing the continent and region. HelpAsia list should also serve as a network for researchers in discussing data sources, books and other information resources about the above mentioned TEN countries.

HelpAsia List RULES:

1-You are invited to post the following to the list, as long as they relate in some obvious way to the aforementioned TEN Countries:

Reports on Human Rights and Environmental violations and Legal Aid, awareness & Advocacy initiatives. Event, Conference, Workshop, Seminar & Training announcements and calls for papers, Development sector job, scholarship and publication announcements, Requests and offers for information or assistance, Recommended books, articles and periodicals.


2- Do not post ANYTHING that is of interest to only a few individuals.

3. NEVER engage in personal/ Biased attacks on any individual/nation/country on this list. In your personal capacity you can only criticize the policies of your own country, prejudiced and narrow-minded attacks on neighboring South Asian Countries would not be welcomed. If you must do this, send the mail directly to the concerned person.

4 Ethnic slurs, indecent, sexist, racist, blasphemous or vulgar mails and discussions are strictly forbidden on the list. So is commercial advertising.

5. No more than THREE mails may be posted for the same person in a single week, no more than TEN mails may be posted for the same person in a single month. Please do not "flame" on the list.

6. Do not REPLY to the whole list when you don't mean to, or when it's more appropriate to send a message only to one person.

7. It's a courtesy to readers to "sign" your messages with at least your name, city, country and institution. Include other information as you see fit.

8. Newsletter contents or research articles may be copyright protected. The person contributing the news is the only one responsible for copyright violations, if any.

9. Do not INCLUDE lengthy original mails in your reply, if necessary you can include only 15 lines of the original message.

10. Do not post ANYTHING that can distract / distort / disturb the subscriber's attention / involvement / commitment from the list objectives.

11. No more than 25 KB mail may be posted to the list.

The violation of any of the above mentioned Guidelines/Rules may lead to suspension /cancellation of your HelpAsia List subscription.


-To send a message to all the people currently

subscribed to the list, just send mail to

This is called "sending mail to the list", because you send mail to a single address and SERVER makes copies for all the people who have subscribed.


-For subscription you can send an e-mail to:


- There are two ways to signoff / unsubscribe from helpasia: via web site or via e-mail. To unsubscribe via web, log in at , and on the "My eGroups" page, check the box next to helpasia, then scroll down and click the Unsubscribe button, and you're done.

To unsubscribe via e-mail, send an empty e-mail to:


-If your efforts to unsubscribe have been frustrated, please write to rather than taking the problem to the list.



1- How thousands of women smuggled-out from Bangladesh?

2- Why China and India are championing the cause of developing nations in World Trade Organization?

3- Why Sindhis and Pakhtoons of Pakistan are opposing the proposed hydropower Dam Kalabagh?

4- Who are those Bhutanese, living in refugee camps in Eastern Nepal?

5- What are the reasons behind the increasing Sexual Harassment & Child abuse incidents in South Asia?

6- Is west playing a role in increasing fundamentalism in Afghanistan and Iran?

7- Why the NGOs of Sri Lanka have asked the ADB, not to invest until war is resolved?

8- News about Assemblies of Poor in Thailand, Nuclear Disarmament, Peasants & Student's movement in Philippines and South Asian living in North America and Europe.

THEN JOIN HelpAsia Email List for South Asia.

Send a blank email to the following address with subject: subscribe.


LawJuC Email List For People Interested in Law, Justice and Criminology.

Lawjuc is an academic and research oriented list for people interested and involved in matters/activities related to Law, Justice and Criminology. This historical initiative for discussion, debate, research, awareness and advocacy is open to lawyers, former judges, human rights activists, litigants, police officials, former prisoners, paralegals, law students and teachers. The LawJuC list is designed to encourage discussion of different aspects of the Criminal Justice System, legislations, important rulings and it would also raise critical issues and would provide communication links and a space for the exchange of information among researchers, scholars, activists, writers, lawyers, academicians, journalists and professionals interested in all forms of Law, Justice, Criminology and Human Rights. Lawjuc list would also serve as a network for lawyers and researchers in discussing data sources, books, events, conferences, opportunities, legal complications and web-based information resources.

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