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Mohammad Ismail Kaachi is the father of 15 children from his two wives and, is working as a construction worker since last 35 years. He migrated from the borders of Iran located in Baluchistan, the northern province of Pakistan in 1961 to seek job. At that time, the population of Karachi was 2.5 millions and of Pakistan was 59.5 millions including Bengal which became a separate state in 1971 and was named as Bangladesh. He got the job as a construction worker and is still working in same profession but he could afford his one wife and, two children at that time and, now he can't afford his large family. He goes to work with his three children of ages 9, 11 and, 12 years who help him to carry stones and, pushing trolleys at different construction works. Today the population of Karachi is 13 millions and of Pakistan is 135 millions.

Today one bold daughter of Mohammad Ismail has taken her mother to the hospital in the absence of her father and, has sent her in the operation theatre for tuberlogation.

Every Government plans and, adopts the different measures of family planning in Pakistan to reduce the official 2.9% growth rate but it is remaining same since last 20 years. 40 people are born per 1000 in a year when only 12% of population use the modern methods of contraception in this country. However the growth rate is confirmed by the minister of population, Mrs. Abida Hussain as around 4% in recently called a workshop over population in Karachi which is among the higher rates in the world. There are 5 reproductive units for family planning funded by UNFP (United Nations Population Fund) running in Karachi affiliated with different hospitals. Out of them, the unit at Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre ( JPMC ) is doing 7-10 operations of tuberlogation every day and the other units do around three operations every day. They use to give oral pills, condoms and, apply the Norplant sticks and, injections to the concerned women and men who irregularly visit there. The women and, men are all referred by their at least 200 family welfare centres through out the city.

" But the women mostly insist on applying injections every three months so that they can hide their effort for birth control from their husbands or their mothers in law." Said Dr. Shabana, the in charge of reproductive unit at JPMC. " Usually the usage of injections and pills either stops the menses to women or she gets heavy bleeding from using the projestran and, estrogen medicines frequently. They use to gain weight also and, become the hypertensive or heart patient in the late age. The safest method is of using the condoms which is very rare in this area because the men mostly don't support the idea of birth control."

Vasectomy- the operation for males to stop children is also introduced in some units but rarely happens as the complete staff is not available at the units in different parts of the country. The same operation is encouraged by ` Sub-Sitara ' and, ` Trust Worthy Family Planning ', the two NGOs in the country which are also funded by the same UNFP and, also by US-AID. But they are still at the level of training and, use to get the medicines from reproductive health units, organised by the Government of Pakistan.

" The modern operation theatres are under construction in this programme of family planning." Said Mr. Zia Siddiqui, the marketing executive of Trust Worthy Family Planning, " Initially, our units will work in Karachi, Lahore and, Islamabad , the 3 major cities of Pakistan."

" There is a question of prestige to males in rural areas if they are asked to plan their families." Said Dr. Talat Afroze, working in Liaquat Medical College and, Hospital at Jamshoro, about 250 Km away from Karachi. " It is not the female who is to be convinced for adopting the measures of birth control but the males who hardly discuss about their families. There are some men in villages, in front of whom, you can't even take the names of their wives." She said talking over the 15% literacy rate among the females in rural areas of Pakistan. According to World Bank, the literacy rate of males in urban area of Pakistan is 35% and of women is 25% but the same in rural areas is 25% to men and 15% to females.

Using the children as a labour is very often in Pakistan. People take their male children to either agricultural fields or send them to any factory for work and, sale their daughters to feudal lords in many parts of the country. Hence both the male and, female children are, on the other side the source of income to them. This is all because of the low literacy rate although there are few places where one can find schools in villages but most of them are occupied by the land lord of that village and he uses to play cards with their neighbour friends. In this environment, the doctors appointed by the Government rarely go to teach about the usage of condoms and other methods of contraception.

" Due to a feeling of shyness and custom of Pardah ( cover ) in Pakistani women, the talk of condoms hasn't become popular among the large number of families here." Continues Dr. Afroze who is graduated from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in UK. She was earlier the professor of community development at the same college and, now is the director of family planning units in Sindh, the southern province of Pakistan. She had an objection that the recruited staff in family planning department was mostly women although the men can convince more easily to males in different areas.

" Saathi " ( the partner ) is the label on official condoms which are usually sold here and, it is not clearly communicated in the advertisements on electronic media that whether it is an advertisement of using condoms and birth control.

" If we show or tell any awkward picture or word in the advertisement, it is badly censored by the board and, we are helpless to make a convenient advertisement." Said an executive of manufacturing company of condoms, " Our product is sold only 30% of what we make."

It is worth mentioning that in Pakistan, the electronic media is totally controlled by the Government and, there is a board of censor which mostly don't allow the matter on education of sex or the matter against the Government.

" The religious factor has severely affected this country's population because more than 50% of the population believe that it is a sin to control birth and, it is God who gives for his given child." Said Dr. Talat knowing that 97% of Pakistan population is Muslims, "Government is also under the psychological pressure of the religious cum political parties and, is afraid to make any law regarding this issue. If there would be a law like China that more than one child won’t be registered here, the people would be burning the flags of the party in power.

Looking at the political history of Pakistan, there have been two main leaders who formed political and development strategies in recent 25 years. One of creating a socio-economic state which was originally initiated by the hanged Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and, the other of imposing the rigid Islamic laws which was an effort of a military leader, General Zia ul Haq who ruled the country for 11 years as the Chief Marshal Law Administrator. It was observed in the early days of Benazir Bhutto's premier ship who is the daughter of late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto that she was strongly criticised by the leaders of Jamat-e-Islami, the most popular religious cum political party in Pakistan by not covering her head with rawwa ( the part of dress hanging on the head of woman ). She started to do so later and, couldn't stop the flood of growing population by adopting any scientific method in this country. However she encouraged women to work in every field and established the "First Women Bank " where only women can be employed. Abortions also have never been legal in Pakistan but at many cities and, towns, some lady doctors run their private clinics at particular places and do abortions on the request of mothers and, fathers. They do abortions of the prostitutes and, give monthly commissions to police of that particular area to get rid of legal prosecution.

" I have done the hundreds of abortions to private prostitutes who are running their business just because their husbands are addicted and, earn nothing." Said a lady doctor who insisted not to refer her name, " On the contrary, I think it is a great good will to those women who can't afford more children and, are affected by their cruel husbands." Government has no proper check on this business and have no plans either to legalize prostitution and abortions in this country.
