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"Je t’ aime"
(I Love You)

Chapter 1

It was a cool brisk afternoon, the sun was shining the trees were ever so gently swaying from a northerly breeze, and everyone walking through the park had either a faint grin or a huge smile on their face. To Alexandria this could only mean one thing, spring was near. Alex had only been living in England for about one month, but every so often she would walk through St. James and Hyde Park and take notice of everyone she came across. Every time had been the same, men walking solemnly without a smile or even as much as a grin. Women and children were pretty much acting in the same manor, not much laughing on the child’s behalf, but the constant reminder from their mother that they had to be at a specific place at a specific time. People, to Alex seemed to be more like robots rather than humans. This behavior was so different than what she had experienced growing up in southern California. Sure she missed the coast, her family, and her friends, but she knew if she wanted an excellent education England was one of the places to get it. Though the spring term was finally under way, she was eager to get through it, that eagerness is what usually drove her to be in London some of the weekends. Though this week was different, rumors among the TV news, and the tabloids told that none other than Prince William had decided not to take the usual year off between college and university but had decided to pick up at the spring semester and continue with his education. Alex had heard about the rumors and thought nothing of it. She knew she would never meet him, or even be as lucky to get a glimpse of the young prince, with that thought fresh in her head she climbed into her burgundy Land Rover and drove away heading back to school (Cambridge University).

While driving her mind was already made up and decided, she was going to stay clear of the whole Prince William frenzy. As she headed up to the University she could already see in the distance a mob to TV reporter, newspaper journalists, and photographers not to mention the endless line of girls standing around with flowers and stuffed animals bearing heart-felt notes. Little did Alex know that the Prince was due to arrive that night, which was to explain the cause of all the chaos. Alex quickly found herself the nearest parking spot, parked, gathered all her belongings and started to walk to her dorm.

Once she stepped inside two men in black suits stopped her and asked who she was.
“I beg your pardon”, Alex said.
“We need to see some ID miss”, the two men said.
“Why”, she questioned with a disgruntled look on her face.
“If you don’t already know miss”, one man began to explain, “Prince William will be living in this building and it is our job to keep him safe, so may I see some ID”.
“All right, all right, if you must, but don’t laugh” Alex said.
One of the men took the ID and ran it through a security check.
“Everything checked out OK”, he said.
“Thanks”, Alex said, “See you two around”
“Good Afternoon Miss”, the both said together.

Alex headed to the elevator up to the fourth floor to her room. While she was in the elevator she could not stop thinking on how annoying it was going to be to have Prince William staying in the same building, and having all the members of the press camped outside.
“Great that’s all I need,... that’s all anyone needs”, she said out loud.
Alex got off the elevator and headed to her room.

Chapter 2

After a few days Alex had began to get used to the idea that one of the most, if not the most famous royal was boarding in the same dorm as she was. Alex was finally comfortable with that idea, she began to take notice that the press was starting to disappear; like the prince was beginning to turn into old news. ‘Oh well’, she thought, ‘life does go on’. With that notion in mind she took the rest of the day in stride, ‘nothing could ruin such a great day’, she thought to herself.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Alex was so happy, after all Mondays were her favorite day of the week, only 2 1/2 hours of class, who couldn’t be happier. To top it all off, Alex was wearing the brand new outfit that she had bought in London over the weekend . She felt like she was on top of the world.

Alex’s day was coming to an end, so she decided to head back to her dorm early(Alex was studying in the library till 6 o’clock). While she was walking through the lobby of the dorm a guy with a freshly corked bottle of red wine ran directly into her and spilled it all over her new white blouse.
“You jerk, look what you just did”, Alex shouted at him.
“Oh my god”, “I’m so sorry”, he said. “Here let me clean you up”, pulling a white handkerchief from his pocket.
“It’s too late now, you ruined it”, she stammered and walked off.
“I’m so sorry”, he said following her to the elevator.
“Just leave me alone now, O.K.”, she said angrily as they both climbed in.
“No, I won’t leave”, he insisted.
“Fine, suit yourself”, she sighed.

While on the elevator he kept apologizing to her, but she refused to accept.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going next time O.K., it will probably make a whole lot of people happier”, she said.
“Fine , fine, I’ll do anything to have you forgive me, I’ll even get down on my hands and knees”, he said jokingly.
“Fine then, get down on your hands and knees and tell me you’re sorry”, she said with a grin on her face. After all she knew he would not do it.
“Here?....., Now?” he said surprised.
“No next year Einstein, now”, she said.
“Fine....., fine”, he said.
The guy got down on his hands and knees and apologized dearly to her.

While in the middle of a praising bow the elevator doors opened and there, right before them was a group of girls standing outside. All of a sudden laughter broke out and he turned as red as a strawberry. Alex could not help herself, it was pretty funny, and she too started laughing. Alex was laughing so hard that she didn’t even notice him crawl out of the elevator and leave.
“How did you do that?”, one girl asked.
“Do what”, she said with a puzzled look on her face.
“Duh, as if you didn’t know”. “How did you get the Prince on his hands and knees ?”, she asked.
“Yeah, right, like he’s the Prince”, she said. “And I’m his Grandmother the Queen”

Alex got through the group of girls and made her way to her room. She fell onto her bed and began to think about what the girl had said.
“Whatever”, she said. “Prince or no Prince he still ruined my blouse”
Alex could not believe what had happened. She got undressed, put her pajamas on and put her blouse in a bag to take to the dry cleaners to take the next day. After everything was organized and her mind was back on track she decided to hit the books. After about 3 hours of homework and studying she began to get sleepy, so she packed up and got ready for bed. Since her pajamas were already on all she had to do was wash her face and brush her teeth. While brushing her teeth someone knocked on the door.
“Oh damn, who could that be”, Alex said. “I look so terrible”.
‘Oh well’ she thought as she opened the door without even asking who is was. To her surprise it was none other than HR. the Prince of Red Wine.
“What do you want?”, she said angrily.
“Oh please be nice to me”. “I have knocked on every door on this floor looking for you. I just want to say that I’m sorry for the last time”, he said.
“Fine, now you said it. Now can you please leave, I’m tired and I want to go to bed”, she said impatiently.
“O.K., sweet dreams, um...uh......”he paused.
“Alex, my name is Alex”, she said softly.
“Sweet dreams Alex, and again I do apologize” he said.
“Thanks”, she said. “Sleep tight”
She then closed the door and jumped into bed not even giving William a second thought.

The next morning she awoke to the sound of knocking. ‘Oh great’ she thought, ‘Now what does he want?’ When she opened her door she found a gift box wrapped in gold wrapping paper and tied around it was a gold bow with a single red rose. She bent down to pick up the gift, and while out in the hall she went to see if there was anyone around. ‘Of course, nobody’, she said out loud. Looking at the package she didn’t know whether be happy or suspicious. ‘After all it could have just been a joke, and when you open it, like million things will fly out and hit you in the face’, she thought. ‘Oh well’ she said, I’m curious. With that in mind she took the gift inside and sat down on her bed and began to open it. She couldn’t believe her eyes, there sitting in the box was the same exact blouse that William had spilt wine all over, with the blouse was also a little note which read:

Dearest Alex,
Please accept this gift on my behalf
of my own stupidity. I’m sorry and
I hope that you will forgive me.
With Love,
PS. Meet me on Friday at
7.30 p.m. sharp and wear the
dress I’ll be sending.

“Oh My God”, Alex screamed. “What am I going to do?”
“Oh crap”, she said out loud. “Now he’s making me late for anatomy class.”

Alex quickly got dressed, threw on some make-up and ran out the door. Looking at her watch she knew she would make it on time if she ran all the way. Alex ran as fast as she could, finally she made it. ‘Good’, she thought. ‘Maybe things will actually go right today. When she walked into class she noticed that all the lab tables had been occupied all except the one in the back. She started to make her way to the back and then she saw him, her new lab partner for the rest of the year, William. As she look for a quick escape hoping he would not see her, he shouted across the room attracting everyone’s attention, “Alex I saved you a seat”. “Come here....., sit”
“Fine”, she murmured as she quickly scanned the room for somewhere else to sit. Unfortunately there were none. As she was walking down the aisle she started thinking that maybe this would be as bad as she thought, after all he is one of the sexiest men alive and any girl would love to be in my shoes right now. ‘Why not make the best of it’, she thought, but once she got to her seat she was speechless.
“Good Morning”, he said cheerfully.
“Morning”, she politely responded.
“What’s wrong?” he said with concern.
“Oh it’s nothing” she said. “It’s just that I was woken up really early by someone knocking on my door”.
“Oh, I’m so sorry......again”, he said. “I just can’t seem to get anything right”.
“No worries”, she said. “At least I made it on time”.
“So....., are we still on for Friday?”, William questioned.
“Well you know what they say”, she said with a grin. “Third times a charm”.

Silence came over the classroom, listening intently Alex did not realize how fast the class came to an end.
“Well I guess I’ll see you on Friday," he said.
“Great”, she responded.
“I’ll send a car around for you and about 6.15”, he said, and then he disappeared. For some reason he was really good at that. After Alex realized that he was gone she decided that there was no reason for her to hang around there, so she went back to her dorm. On her way home all Alex could think about was if she was doing the right thing. She had told herself time and time again that she didn’t want to get involved with anything that had to do with William, ‘too late now’, she thought. When Alex arrived to her room she noticed a little piece of paper taped to her door that read:
“Hope you like it”
What on earth could that mean she thought to herself while trying to unlock the door. After a long struggle with the keys she finally got the door opened. As she walked in she noticed a large rectangular box lying on top of her bed. ‘How did that get in here’, she thought, oh duh, obviously he’s the prince I’m sure he has a key to every room on this campus. Alex carefully set her books down on her night stand and then removed her jacket.
“Should I, or should I not”, she said aloud.
“If I open it then I’m obligated to go, but if I leave it I’ll always wonder.” She stood there quietly, took a deep breath and began to open the box. She carefully lifted the lid and moved the tissue paper out of the way to see what was inside. ‘Oh’, she gasped, ‘It’s beautiful’, and she held it up to her and looked into the mirror. ‘It’s so beautiful’, she thought, and she began to cry.

‘Get a hold of yourself Alex’, she thought, ‘everything is going to be fine. The dress itself was stunning. It was long, black, simple and yet so elegant. No beads, or sequence, just black with two skinny straps that crossed all the way down her back. Perfect for dinner. Alex put the dress on a hanger and placed it in the closet. She paused in front of the mirror and wonder if she should cut class or not. Sure the thought had crossed her mind, but she didn’t know if she could go through with it. “Alex, you only live once”, she said giving herself a pep talk. Her mind was made up, she was going to spend all day making herself beautiful, that included some shopping, hair make-up, and nails, the works.

The next day Alex found herself sleeping in and just enjoying the fact that she didn’t have to be anywhere at any specific time. She got up and out of bed, jumped into the shower and found herself all of a sudden hurrying to get ready. She stopped and stared into the mirror(she does that a lot), and said “What have I gotten myself into?”
