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The Roadrunner
Home Page 
District 3

Home Page

Toastmasters International symbol for better speaking, thinking, listening, and leadership

© 2001 District 3
Janice Winscot, ATM, Editor

Glenn Pike, DTM
Web Site


The Roadrunner, District 3 Toastmasters quarterly communication and leadership activity newsletter for Arizona Toastmasters
VOLUME 38 - ISSUE 3  - WINTER  2002
We hope you enjoy reading this issue of the activities and 
accomplishments of 
District 3's clubs and members.
Janice Winscot,
ATM, Editor

Inside the WINTER 2002 Issue:
Pg 2 - DG's  Message "Take Control  of your Destiny"
Pg 3 - LGET's column 
        - Role of LGET
Pg 4 - Role of LGET Con't
          TLI | Publize Your Club 
Pg 5 - Member Educational
Pg 6 - Fall Conference
Pg 7 - Fall Conference Con't
Pg 8  - LGM Message - New
            Year's Resolutions
Pg 9-10 - Spring Conference Flyer (not included online) See Conf Flyer here.
Pg 11 - District Web Resource
Pg 12 - 20 Plus Clubs
             Healthy, Wealthy, Wise
Pg 13 - Newest Clubs
             Raffle, Raffle, Raffle
Pg14 - Semi Report Process
          Monsoon Madness
          Market Club Ideas
Pg15 - Club Anniversaries -
           Clubs Respond to 9-11
           Roadrunner Credits
Pg 16 - Key Dates 

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