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The Roadrunner - District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - July 1989 - Volume 25, No.4  -  The Roadrunner's Silver Anniversary Year - District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter

Memories are made of this
Spring conference 1989

By Karen Burr, ATM Roadrunner Editor

Starting the conference off right with ebullient tuxedo-clad Bob Erickson putting the arm on Friday night party-goers to say: "I took the Pledge" and win members for Toastmasters...

Overheard the next morning:
"Well, are you sore?" (Listener curious.) "From what? (Listener waits eagerly.) "From last night!" (Listener: very curious.) "Oh, no I dance like that every night." (Listener. Shucks.) ...

Cheryl and Mike Sands wowing a standing-room only crowd with their dynamic presentation...
Most manic memory: Jeff Young strutting and talking and totally captivating a restless (and hungry) crowd at the speech contest finals. What did he say? Who knows? He probably doesn't ... but it was a masterpiece of improvisation and humor...

Most magical memory: Jeff Young calling up Joan Makin of the strong and beautiful voice to lead the whole banquet audience in an impromptu singing of "Tell Me Why"...

Memories like these are what keep us going back time and time again, to conference after conference, good hotels (and most are) and bad hotels, good food and bad food... because after all, it's only the people who really matter...

Communicating internationally
District 3 toastmasters write for Toastmasters magazine

In April of this year, Mary Fleming, DTM, Innovators (and 1986 District Outstanding Toast-master) told readers of The Toast-master, the official magazine of Toastmasters International, to "Keep Your Voice in Tune." In December 1988, Milt Wood, ATM, Willie Talespinners and Ahwahtukee (and 1982 District Speech Contest Winner) brought air combat techniques to Toastmasters with "Top Gun Table Topics."

In August 1988, Paul Khera, ATM, Park Central, and Phoenix Six To Niners, prompted rebuttal and agreement in subsequent letters to the editor when he warned international readers to "Beware of Excellence."

In June 1988, Karen Burr, ATM, Early Words, Roadrunner Editor, shared the concept of a "Super Speech Contest" developed by Budding Professionals.

In earlier years Larry Emmott, DTM, Sunrise, Accredited Speaker and 1981 District 3 Speech Con-test Winner, shared his ideas on an international level, and Virginia Clifford Anders, DTM, Morning Glories, shared the story of that special club.

District 3 Toastmasters have contributed often over the years to the Toastmaster Magazine. Who will be next? Will it be you?

Brian Cavanaugh, CTM, Camelback Toastmasters, accepting his trophy
as District 3 Spring Speech ContestWinner from Glenn Knudson, DTM,
Educational Lt. Governor.

Judy Hancock, DTM, Past District Governor, and Mike Herskovits, Metro Division Lt. Governor, showing they had the right stuff to win the "twist" dance contest, but there's not much of it left! (the right stuff, that is!).